This page will offer a guide on where to locate and how to complete the mystery, Fly Agaric, in Rygjafylke, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Location: Rygjafylke Fly Agaric Mystery.
How to Complete Fly Agaric Trip in Rygjafylke - AC Valhalla¶
This mystery can be located on an island southwest of Fannaraki Summit and northwest of Fornburg. To begin this Mystery, you’ll need to interact and eat the Fly Agaric Mushrooms in front of the statue by pressing ‘E’. When you eat the Fly Agaric, you’ll begin a hallucinagenic trip. During this trip, you’ll need to go through three of the surrounding gates, but you’ll need to go them in a specific order.
(1 of 2) First, you’ll need to eat the Fly Agaric mushrooms to hallucinate the gates
First, you’ll need to eat the Fly Agaric mushrooms to hallucinate the gates (left), then, read the note and pass through the gates in the order written. (right)
In front of you, near the three statues, you should be able to spot a letter. The letter gives you the order in which you need to walk through the gates:
1. Thor’s Gate - Thor’s gate is indicated by a tall stone statue to the left of the gate. The statue is holding Thor’s Hammer to its breast.
2. Freyja’s Gate - Freyja’s gate can be located by looking for the gate with the short statue of an armored woman to the right of it.
3. Odin’s Gate - And finally, walk through the gate with the stone statue of a bearded man to the left of it.
(1 of 3) First, head through Thor’s Gate.
Once you’ve passed through the three gates in the correct order, you’ll complete the Mystery and no longer be hallucinating. You’ll also earn 700 EXP.
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