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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

How to Start the Forgotten Saga DLC

Scott Peers
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This page details everything you need to know about how to begin the Forgotten Saga DLC in AC Valhalla. We’ll cover the requirements that you’ll need to meet before you can start the DLC, and how runs through Niflheim work as part of the main content.

Odin’s Camp, Forgotten Saga DLC.

How to Begin the Forgotten Saga DLC

There are two main things that you’ll need to do in the base game of AC Valhalla before you can begin the Forgotten Saga DLC. The first should come fairly naturally as you play through the game: build your Ravensthorpe settlement to at least level 3, and construct Valka’s Hut (aka Seer’s Hut). Once you have the hut all set up, you can speak with Valka to complete the quest In Dreams…, which is essentially an introduction quest to the realms of Asgard and Jotunheim. You’ll play through the quests in these realms as Havi (Odin), and we’d recommend that you complete them all before moving on to the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC. After Dawn of Ragnarok, you should begin the Forgotten Saga DLC by starting the settlement quest A Gift From the Otherworld.

How Niflheim Runs Work from Odin’s Camp

When you first enter Odin’s Camp at the beginning of the DLC, you won’t have much to see or do here. You’ll need to take your first run through Niflheim before you can unlock the Skills Totem, Odin’s Outfits, and Nar’s Favors. The runs through Niflheim take you to four main regions, each with their own different types of enemies and bosses:

Niflheim Regions

Region Bosses
Kaldstat Balulfr; Issvin; Issulfr
Dokkerland Hjalmgunnar
Nidheim Nidhogg
Helheim Hel

The above regions are listed in the order from which you’ll experience them, with Kaldstat being the first region and Helheim the last. Once you begin a run through Niflheim, if you die to a regular enemy or boss, you will be cast back to Odin’s Camp and you’ll need to start all over from the beginning again. For example, if you reach Nidheim but then die to Nidhogg, you’ll need to play through Kaldstat and Dokkerland again, defeating their respective bosses.

Thoughts, Memories and Dreams

Each time you play through a run of Niflheim you’ll earn Memories and Thoughts, the two main currencies which can be used to purchase new skills or upgrade one of Odin’s Outfits. More outfits will become available to you as you unlock them by defeating specific bosses or completing particular objectives, more about which is detailed on our All Outfits in Odin’s Camp page. You should pick the outfit which best suits your playstyle, but consider carefully the modifiers and skills that an outfit comes with, and pick the one which helps you most during the parts of a Niflheim run that you find most difficult.

You won’t find anywhere to use the Dreams currency at Odin’s Camp. Instead, you’ll need to use these at Everold’s Workshop in Ravensthorpe, where you can purchase various legendary items.

Coins and Hidden Merchants

As you make your way through the regions of Niflheim, you’ll find that you earn Coins from most enemies that you slay, and they’re also an option from looting chests. It’s important to remember that Coins cannot be spent at Odin’s Camp. Instead, you can only spend them at Hidden Merchants, which are found in every region. The merchants are often not so hidden, so you should stumble upon them without issue. You can purchase various upgrades for your runes, weapons, abilities, and stats from these merchants, which will make things easier as you fight your way through Niflheim.

Nar’s Favors

There are a number of Favors that can be purchased from the dwarf known as Nar, who resides in Odin’s Camp. These favors will generally help you to get through Niflheim more safely and efficiently, and you can purchase them with Memories and Thoughts. The only catch is that you will need to purchase these favors anew each time that you begin a new run through Niflheim, but they aren’t too expensive so it’s not much of a burden. You will however sometimes need to sacrifice investing currency in new skills from the Skills Totem in order to purchase some favors repeatedly. Although most of the favors cost Memories, two of them (Awesome Advantage and Famed Fortune) cost Thoughts, which are generally much more difficult to acquire than Memories, and can also be used to upgrade armor. Use these currencies carefully in accordance with your specific needs. You can learn more about Nar’s Favors here.

How to Complete Niflheim Runs

You may find that some of the encounters during your runs through Kaldstat, Dokkerland, Nidheim and Helheim seem more difficult than they should be. This is normal, especially as you’re just starting out with your runs, since you won’t have many skills, armor upgrades, or favors unlocked early on. You should aim to complete all the encounters that you have access to in each region, since they’ll grant you various upgrades to your weapons, abilities, health, and runes, thereby making you more powerful and better prepared for the next region. Make good use of Elk Shrines to heal yourself before and after tough encounters, and always try to be at full health before you begin a boss battle. If you’re out of Elk Shrines before you start a boss battle, you’ll often find that the Hidden Merchants can heal you for around 300 Coins, so look for one of these if necessary.

(1 of 2) Look for this icon in each region, indicating the location of a Hidden Merchant once you’ve found them for the first time.

Look for this icon in each region, indicating the location of a Hidden Merchant once you’ve found them for the first time. (left), You can purchase powerful legendary weapons from merchants, and useful runes, abilities, and other upgrades. (right)

As you go through runs of Niflheim you will almost certainly fail repeatedly, but each time you will come out with more Thoughts and Memories. You can use these to upgrade your skills and armor, which will in turn make the runs increasingly easy. You may not need to fully upgrade your skills and armor, or even use any of the favors, to complete Niflheim, but you should definitely take advantage of these upgrades if you’re struggling. Aim to beat all of the encounters as soon as possible, but don’t worry too much if you just need to improve your skills and gear a bit first.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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