This mystery can be found in the southeast of Snotinghamscire, just southwest of the Sherwood Hideout.
The Good Men of Sherwood, Snotinghamscire.
How to Begin the Mystery at Sherwood Hideout¶
When you arrive at the camp you’ll find Ryce Sherwin, who you will have already met if you’ve completed A Cordial Invitation, along with a few of his merry gang. You can speak with Ryce to learn a bit more about the place, but to begin the mystery you’ll need to shoot one of the targets which other members of the gang are aiming at. If you’re not sure which targets to hit, use Odin’s Sight to highlight them in teal.
Once you’ve hit one of the targets, the Anglo-Saxon Woman will call you over. Speak with her to accept another challenge, which involves shooting a pot from the rocks just above the targets. After this, a man named Little John (who is far from little…) will challenge you to hit a chicken hanging from a wooden pole on the cliff above you to the northeast. To hit the chicken, you’ll need to aim a bit above it, as shown in the screenshot below.
Regardless of whether you hit the chicken, the gang will offer to help you in your final battle with Aelfred’s forces. You’ll just get a little more praise if you actually hit the chicken.
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