In Oxenefordscire, you’ll be able to collect two different Flying Paper Artifacts.
Buckingham Flying Paper¶
The Flying Paper in Buckingham is located in the northern section of the settlemetn. You’ll find paper atop the main longhouse, if you approach it from the side of the roof, you can actually grab it without having to chase it. But if you don’t manage to pull this off, you’ll need to chase it along a pretty standard route across the rooftops of the town. This paper will unlock the Hjarta Scheme (Front) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) The Flying Paper is found atop a longhouse in the northern region of the town.
The Flying Paper is found atop a longhouse in the northern region of the town. (left), If you approach it from the side, you’ll be able to grab it before it flies away! (right)
Oxeneforda Flying Paper¶
The Flying Paper in Oxeneforda is located in the central part of the settlement. The paper will fly from the top of a building across some trees towards the church. It’ll land on the building just to the left of the church. This paper will unlock the Hulder’s Mark Scheme (Arms) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) The Flying Paper in Oxeneforda is located in the center of the settlement
The Flying Paper in Oxeneforda is located in the center of the settlement (left), the paper will head across the trees towards the church. (right)
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