This mystery can be found in the northeast of Eurvicscire, just north of Picheringa.
Dellingr Rabbit, Eurvicscire.
How to Defeat the Norse Man for Dellingr Loki Rabbit¶
As you approach the ruins you’ll see a Norse Man speaking to a rabbit which he refers to as Loki Rabbit. It seems the man has been waiting for the rabbit to bring him a challenger for quite some time, and as it turns out, Eivor is going to be that challenger. What follows will be a fist fight with the man, but he isn’t difficult to defeat. The only thing you’ll need to look out for is the red rune aura attacks which can be initiated without much warning, but even if you succumb to a few of these, the fight should be an easy one.
Once you’ve defeated the Norse Man in the fist fight, the mystery will end.
(1 of 4) The location of the mystery in the northeast of Eurvicscire.
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