This page details how to complete the Hunter and Gatherer quest, part of the Dawn of Ragnarök DLC in AC Valhalla. The page will cover where to find Silica, Giant Feathers, Magma Blood, Jotun Seidr, Frozen Blood, and Living Spark fragments.
Material | Where to Find |
Silica | Only found in Mylna Raid locations |
Giant Feather | Guaranteed drop from Giant Ravens |
Magma Blood | Chance of drop from any Muspel, guaranteed from Ash-Bringer and Brann enemies |
Jotun Seidr | Chance of drop from any Jotun, guaranteed from Jotnar-Djevelen enemies |
Frozen Blood | Chance of drop from any Jotun, guaranteed from Jotnar-Guld enemies |
Living Spark | Chance of drop from any Muspel, guaranteed from Flame-Keeper enemies |
How to Upgrade the Hugr-Rip Bracer¶
Once you know where to find the above materials, this quest is incredibly easy to complete. It essentially serves as a guide for how to upgrade your Hugr-Rip Bracer. You only need 5 Silica and 20 Magma Blood to purchase your first upgrade for the Power of Muspelheim. You can choose either the Muspehlheim Fury upgrade, or the Muspelheim Endurance. The former allows you to perform an attack which causes an explosion within a 5 metre radius, but only while actively using the Power of Muspelheim. The latter increases the duration of the power to 35 seconds. We’d recommend getting the Muspelheim Endurance first, since this will allow you to do more for longer when you’re surrounded by Muspels.
An easy way to get 6 Silica early on is to raid the Stifla Mylna raid location, in the northeast of Gullnamar. The Magma Blood may take a little longer to obtain, since you’ll need to kill enough Muspels for 20 samples. However, there are plenty of Muspels scattered throughout Svartalfheim, so it shouldn’t take you too long if you keep exploring. Once you have enough materials you can visit any Blacksmith in the region to upgrade the Hugr-Rip Bracer.
(1 of 6) You’ll often find Giant Ravens feasting on dead animals in the landscape.
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