This page offers a guide on all Power of Jotunheim Upgrades in the Dawn of Ragnarök DLC.
The base ability of the Power of Jotunheim provides you with a Jotnar disguise. This allows you to walk among any Jotnar without being detected as an enemy. In addition, each time you perform a dodge or roll, you’ll teleport a short distance instead. This can allow you to quickly escape the gaze of other enemy types in a pinch.
The other base ability of the Power of Jotunheim allows you to aim with your bow at World Knots, which are essentially magical Jotnar portals which you can instantly travel to by shooting at them while the ability is active. This can be useful or even essential in some cases to enter otherwise inaccessible areas.
Below we’ll detail the two upgrades for the Power of Jotunheim, and the materials that you need to upgrade them, namely Jotun Seidr and Silica.
Jotunheim Incarnate¶
The Jotunheim Incarnate upgrade allows you to extend the duration of the power by 15 seconds each time that you assassinate an enemy. This means that you can clear a camp of enemies without ever breaking your disguise, so long as you’re not caught with each assassination. If you’re detected while assassinating an enemy, the disguise will break.
You’ll need 5 Silica and 20 Jotun Seidr to purchase this upgrade.
Jotunheim Assassin¶
The Jotunheim Assassin upgrade provides you with the ability to aim at any enemy with your bow, then shoot at them to perform a teleport assassination. This can be a useful way to quickly travel to an area where a specific enemy is located, while eliminating them at the same time. The only catch is that doing this will consume a full stamina bar, but since this regenerates fairly quickly it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
You’ll need 5 Silica and 20 Jotun Seidr to purchase this upgrade.
How to Get Silica¶
Silica is a material obtained from Silica towers found exclusively in raiding locations. You’ll need to summon your raiding party to obtain the silica and you can either do this via your tool wheel once you’re at the destination, or by sailing into the raiding location’s docking area.
Collect silica to upgrade your hugr-rip.
How to Get Jotun Seidr¶
Jotun Seidr is a material that has a chance to be looted from any Jotnar enemy, with a guaranteed drop from Jotnar-Djevelen in particular. You’ll find Jotnar camps and patrolling groups in the northern part of Svartalfheim, in the region of Svaladal. The camp of Tjarnar Myla is one of the best places to find a lot of Jotnar, shown on the map below.
The location of Tjarnar Mylna in northern Svaladal, where you’ll find plenty of Jotnar.
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