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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Into the West

Scott Peers
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This page details how to complete the Into the West quest, part of the Discovery Tour for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Includes what happens if you ride a horse to Eikundarsund, correct dialogue choices for Gunnhilda when speaking with Stigr, and how to reach Helloya by longship.

Into the West, AC Valhalla.

How to Complete Into the West

Sail to Nottfall and Speak with Trygg

The quest begins with Thorsteinn on the shores of Avaldsnes, Norway, in 871 CE. Thorsteinn is speaking with Sigmund, a ship navigator who relies on the use of sunstones. Thorsteinn doesn’t trust this method, and would rather have a ship navigator who draws their knowledge from the landscape, passed down the generations through personal experience and oral tradition.

After the conversation with Sigmund, you’ll need to take command of your longship and head to Nottfall, located to the southeast. Along the way, Gunnhilda states that she will ask her mother if she knows of any clans in Eikundarsund who might be willing to join the expedition. However, before that, Thorsteinn will need to speak with Trygg at Nottfall. As you continue to the shore of Nottfall, be ready to dock your ship when prompted. You’ll notice Trygg at the docks, preparing supplies for loading to the longship. Speak with him to begin a conversation, during which Thorsteinn offers to free Trygg from servitude and count him as a trading partner, on the condition that he joins the expedition to England. Trygg seems pleased by this, so there’s one less crew member to worry about.

(1 of 2) Sail to and dock at Nottfall in your longship.

Sail to and dock at Nottfall in your longship. (left), Look for Trygg at the Nottfall docks and speak with him. (right)

What Happens if You Ride a Horse to Eikundarsund?

Journey to Eikundarsund as Gunnhilda

Once you’re done speaking with Trygg, you’ll be playing as Gunnhilda instead of Thorsteinn. Your task is to journey to Eikundarsund to the southwest, and once there speak with Gunnhilda’s mother, Heidrun. However, you’ll notice that there’s a note in the quest description, warning that riding a horse to Eikundarsund could bring bad luck to your journey at sea. You might save time by taking the horse, but is it worth the risk? In truth, you don’t need to worry too much about this. If you take the horse, a man named Hamarr will mention this as you plea for ship companions in Eikundarsund. He’ll name you a fool, having provoked the wrath of the spirits. However, even if you didn’t ride the horse to Eikundarsund, Hamarr will still be dismissive of your plea, as he believes it’s bad luck to sail with a woman. Thankfully, Gunnhilda’s response is equally dismissive, biting at Hamarr’s lack of judgement.

Correct Dialogue Choices with Stigr

After dealing with Hamarr, Gunnhilda will ask a man named Bondi if he will join the expedition with his crew, but he replies by stating that they’ve only just returned from years of vikingr with Guthrum’s warband, and that it’s time for them to tend their crops and see their children grow. At this point, a man named Stigr steps up, but he wants to know a few things about the expedition before he commits to joining. Gunnhilda will automatically answer the first few questions, but you’ll then need to choose between two dialogue choices to convince him and his clan to join. The correct answers have been hinted at in the Discovery Sites and Learnings in the area, but if you haven’t explored those yet and want to know the answers, see below.

Stigr: “Well, why are you leaving our northern land?”

Answer: (Option 2): “There’s not enough land.”

Stigr: “Would you have enough supplies for all my men?”

Answer: (Option 2): “We have mead and dried fish and wool.”

Stigr: “How will you find your way across the sea?”

Answer: (Option 2): “We’ll observe the elements around us.”

(1 of 2) Speak with Heidrun, Gunnhilda’s mother, at Eikundarsund.

Speak with Heidrun, Gunnhilda’s mother, at Eikundarsund. (left), You’ll need to select the correct answers to Stigr’s questions if you want him to join your crew. (right)

Reach Helloya, the Navigator’s Island

So long as you answer with the above options, Stigr will offer to join the expedition. Soon after, you’ll find yourself at the docks again, speaking with Thorsteinn. He’ll be upset if you rode a horse, but Gunnhilda can hold her own, stating that time was of the essence. Besides, Thorsteinn has made his own questionable choices that he’ll soon need to answer for. To that end, you’ll need to take command of the longship and sail to Helloya, where Thorsteinn hopes to find a navigator.

As you sail from Nottfall to Helloya, there will be no quest markers on the compass to guide you. Instead, you’ll need to follow the instructions of Stigr. This is simple enough, but we’ve provided a brief overview below if you happen to get stuck. You’ll find it more difficult to see things if you rode the horse to Eikundarsund, as the storm will come sooner.

Sail right to exit the fjord

This is simple enough. Command your ship and set the sail, then head west out of the fjord, towards the setting sun.

Pass between the rocks and the island

As you sail towards the setting sun, Stigr will ask you to get closer to the shore, keeping the rocks on your left and the land on your right. So, just sail between these two landmarks. You’ll notice an animus wall to your left if you stray too far from the shore, so just turn right and follow the shore to avoid it.

Follow the shore past the frozen tower

As you pass by the rocks on your left, you’ll see an ice tower in the distance, near to the shore to your right. There’s a large rock just to the left of the ice tower, and this is where you need to pass through, between the rock and the ice tower.

Sail past the sea lion island

After passing by the ice tower, the next landmark is noted in the form of an island populated by sea lions. Just hug the shore to your right until you see the island, and keep it to your left as you pass by.

Dock on the island

Once you’ve passed the sea lion island, turn north and head toward the dock. You’ll find it difficult to see in the storm, but if you keep north you’ll eventually see the light of a fire in the distance. Head toward this fire and then dock your ship there.

(1 of 5) Sail right, westward, into the setting sun.

Speak With the Navigator at Helloya

Now that you’ve docked your ship, it’s time to enter the nearby house and speak with the navigator. You’ll soon realize why Thorsteinn has made a questionable decision here, as the prospective navigator is his old enemy, Bjorn. Nonetheless, at this stage in their lives, Thorsteinn and Bjorn need each other. This is a chance to heal old wounds and start anew. Gunnhilda isn’t happy with it, but they both know that they have no other choice. The quest will end as you set sail to the west.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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