This mystery can be found in the southeast of Jotunheim, within Aegir’s Hall. Once you enter, you’ll find Aegir’s daughters gathered around a table, drinking and beckoning to Havi.
How to Complete the Aegir’s Daughters Mystery in AC Valhalla¶
(1 of 2) The location of the mystery in the southeast of Jotunheim.
The location of the mystery in the southeast of Jotunheim. (left), Speak with the three daughters inside Aegir’s Hall. (right)
When you speak with Aegir’s daughters you will have three dialogue options. Each of these will allude to an aspect of Jotunheim’s past and present, including specific places where you can search for clues to its history. These relate to a broken tower near Utgard which was once a place of great magic, a great bear of stone and ice that lives by a frozen lake, and the sad tale of Thor who dashed the great serpent Jormungandr against the shores of Jotunheim, bringing death and destruction to the Jotnar.
After each dialogue with Aegir’s daughters, you should drink with them. When the conversation is over, you’ll wake up in the top floor of Aegir’s Hall. From here, you’ll need to investigate three main clues to determine what happened the night before. These are:
A great boar that can be found roaming just south of Aegir’s Hall. It shines a bright red with burning yellow eyes, so you’ll find it difficult to miss. Approach the boar to prompt a comment from Havi, or kill it if one doesn’t initiate
Aegir’s large cauldron which can be found southwest of the hall. Once there, examine the broken boat within to prompt a comment from Havi
A broken cart containing a barrel on the roof of a house just north of Aegir’s cauldron. Examine the barrel to prompt a comment from Havi
If you find it difficult to locate any of the above, be sure to use Odin’s Sight to highlight the relevant nearby features in teal, confirming that they relate to the mystery. Once you’ve inspected each of the above and prompted the associated comments from Havi, the mystery will complete.
(1 of 3) Approach the boar to prompt a comment from Havi.
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