This page details where you can find the Lugh’s Myth Clue in the River Berbha region of the River Raids expansion. The clue is all you’ll need to complete this quest.
The Legend of Lugh, River Raids Ireland Expansion.
Where to Find the Lugh’s Myth Clue¶
Lugh’s Myth Clue Location - Wicker Grove¶
The clue can be found in the druid settlement known as Wicker Grove, which is located in the west of the River Berbha region, as shown on the map below. You’ll be met by a large resistance of elite druid units when you enter the area, so you’ll need to come prepared. This means making sure that you have plenty of rations stored so that you can revive fallen Jomsviking allies if they are defeated by enemies. This is important because you’ll need at least one ally to help you force open a door, behind which the clue can be found.
Once you’re at Wicker Grove, move through the settlement with your Jomsvikings and stay close to them so that you can revive them quickly if they go down. You’ll eventually reach an open area with large ritual rocks, as shown in the screenshot below. You’ll note the area by the presence of a thick druidic fog. From here, turn south and down the steps, where you’ll find three druidic enemies. You’ll need to take these out and then continue down into the depths of the tomb. There are some snakes in here to kill, but once they’re dead you’ll be free to force open the door and collect the clue, so long as you have at least one Jomsviking ally alive who can help with the door.
Once you have the clue from Wicker Grove, return to Ravensthorpe and inform Vagn to gain access to Treasures of River Erriff.
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