Cursed Area West of Dysert¶
This cursed area is found off the western coast of Ulster, directly west of Dysert trade post. You’ll need to swim out to the rock then climb up the rock opposite to where the cursed symbol is. If you climb up the right cliffside you’ll find a few arrows if you need them, and then you’ll be able to shoot the cursed symbol from where you grabbed the arrows.
(1 of 2) You’ll need to swim out to a formation of rocks on the western coast of Ulster
You’ll need to swim out to a formation of rocks on the western coast of Ulster (left), you can shoot the cursed symbol from the opposite cliffside. (right)
Cursed Area West of Lismore Abbey¶
This cursed area is found west of Lismore Abbey, in the northern region of Ulster. You’ll need to find the entrance into the spike-walled camp and then continue inwards until you reach the center where you’ll then be able to shoot the cursed symbol.
(1 of 2) This cursed area is found in north Ulster
This cursed area is found in north Ulster (left), you’ll need to make your way around the camp that’s enclosed by spikes to reach the cursed symbol. (right)
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