This mystery can be found in west Eurvicscire, just north of Elmet Monastery.
Ingelborg, Eurvicscire.
How to Stack the Stones at Ingelborg in Eurvicscire¶
This can be a particularly tricky cairn to stack the stones for, given the height threshold that you’re required to reach. You can try your own thing first but if that doesn’t work out, there’s a reliable order which can be used to stack the stones properly, as shown in the screenshots below. We’ve numbered the stones to use first and last, noting that you don’t need to use one of the stones to reach the height threshold.
You may find it difficult to balance some of the stones in this order at first, but if you play around with the angles and flip the stones to see how they fit together, you should be able to stack them without too much trouble.
(1 of 4) The location of the mystery in west Eurvicscire.
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