Village in the Skies¶
By the way, the third hidden item won’t be accessible until later on.
This floating village is one of the final towns in the game. Before running off to check out the sights, search the bushes near the western entrance for an Amande slice–somebody’s forgotten dessert perhaps?
Afterwards, spend some quality time at the shops upgrading your equipment, stocking up on supplies and investing in new scrolls. Definitely grab the Calm and Elemental Barrier scrolls to protect your party from all kinds of harm.
Once you’re finished outside, head for the inner part of the village via the door east from the Trader or the door opposite the eastern entrance. Inside the Residential Area, inspect the corner immediately to the left of the eastern entrance for a loose Spider’s Web.
Next, head towards the west side, where all the strange apparatus are. Approach the west-most part of the tall shelves behind the apparatus for a spare Magnifying Glass . Finally, go up to the north side and introduce yourselves to the bearded man on the comfy-looking seat.
When told to do so, exit via the north-west. Outside, you’ll be atop the giant cannon. While you’re here, run to the north-east to pick up an Arctic Wind from the floor; that’s all the items you can reach right now. After that, hurry south-west to the firing end of the cannon and speak to the kid over there.
Eventually, you’ll regain control back in the Residential Area, near the north-east. From here, you’re free to leave on your way to the old Sagitta settlement. If you exit via the east side of the village, you’ll emerge back on the world map opposite the cave entrance.
Otherwise, you can save precious time by heading for the plaza east of the Armory, where the Adventurer is, and using the mysterious pig to telepork back to Florem city.
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