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Bravely Second: End Layer

Ba'al v; Urchin

Vincent Lau
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Level HP Weakness
1~99 Up to 500,000 Light, Bug

This gigantic weather bug is encountered fairly early in the game, so you should be familiar with it. Here, it fights roughly the same, but has a new trick that can potentially put a damper on your plans–and quite literally too.

The Ba’al can use Sunny Day to create a Shadowcaster from one of your party members, Cloudy Sky to deal dark-based damage to your party and possibly inflict blind or Downpour to rain 4 random non-elemental hits on your party.

When a Shadowcaster is present, each time the character it’s based on performs an action, it will cast Dark on a random party member. Otherwise it’ll do nothing. Its stats are exactly the same as the original character, but it always has 500 HP.

While you might think the Shadowcaster is the main gimmick, you’re sadly mistaken. In fact, Urchin will only use Sunny Day once, during the fourth turn of the battle, then never again. Its main trick is actually one that it didn’t use during the main story.

Every fifth turn, Urchin will use Rainfall to negate all damage that’s 9999 or less. Which is basically all damage unless you trigger Bravely Second. The only time this effect stops is after Urchin uses Downpour, which it can use anytime before the next turn it uses Rainfall.

Compared to other Ba’als, Urchin is honestly pretty straightforward. Because most of its attacks are magic-based, you can mitigate a lot of damage by fitting your party with the best Magic Defence-boosting gear and abilities. The Barrier Shroud accessory is quite good for this.

If you’re using physical attackers, you’ll want to give them Blind immunity too, either with the Dark Knight’s ability of the same name, the Harena Shemagh hat or Silver Glasses. Meanwhile mages won’t care about getting blinded and they generally have better Magic Defence too.

Next, the main problem is dealing with Rainfall. Obviously, when Rainfall is in effect, bide your time and heal your party etc. However, depending on how fast Urchin is, it can use Rainfall right before you launch an onslaught, rendering your efforts naught.

What you can do is buff your party’s speed, using the Astrologian’s Speed Boon, Time Mage’s Hastega etc. Or you can drop Urchin’s speed with a Pirate or Patissier. The bigger the speed gap between your characters and Urchin, the less chance that Urchin will go before you.

Finally, bearing everything in mind, the good old Ghost Mage Onslaught works well here as you ought to expect by now. If you’re still not sure what that’s about, keep reading to the end of our Recommended Builds section. It’s well worth your time!

Because Urchin only uses Rainfall on turns that are a multiple of five, it will never use it on the first time. Therefore, there’s nothing to prevent you from achieving a one turn KO using the Ghost Mage Onslaught.

Neo Version

Level HP Weakness
1~99 Up to 1,000,000 Light, Bug

Neo Urchin has sky-high Physical Defence and Magic Defence like its other Neo brethren, reaching 9999 in both stats at Level 99. Unless you go in prepared, you’ll probably have a difficult time squashing this souped up pest.

As always, be sure to bring along your favourite brand of defence-bypassing moves like the Hawkeye’s Harpoon, Catmancer’s Sonic Boom, etc. Or kit out your mages with the Black Mage’s Pierce Magic Defence. That way, you can fight despite the impossible defence stats.

To keep things simple, we suggest using the Ghost Mage Onslaught strategy, replacing Chainspell with Pierce Magic Defence. Your damage output will fall drastically, but at least you can deal some damage this way, rather than none at all–and the damage you do will suffice.

Next, your tank should be geared for Magic Defence, with ways to buff its Magic Defence (such as the Catmancer’s Purrfect Stance) and Limit Breaker for double the buffs. In case the Urchin decides to use a regular attack, you may want to use the Guardian’s Soul Mirror.

The last thing to note is that unlike previous Ba’als, Neo Urchin’s attack patterns differ from regular Urchin. Firstly, it won’t use Rainfall as predictably, so avoid Braving multiple times in one turn. Later, when its HP falls, it will start to Default to unleash two attacks on the next turn.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    13 April 2016
  • Last Updated
    29 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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