Many of the Ba’als are many times tougher than the final boss.
In this section, we’ll cover the strategies for the rock-hard Ba’als that love to occupy the airspace above Fort-Lune whenever you Update Data or StreetPass another player. Although it’s not just Ba’als you’ll face, but other monstrosities too–we’ll just casually lump them together.
The first thing you should know is that the Level of a Ba’al (or similar invader) depends on how you receive it. If it’s directly from Square Enix via Update Data, it’ll be a certain, fixed level. Whereas if you receive it from another player, it’ll scale to your level at the time of arrival.
Of course, you can use the Buster Ships to knock down the Ba’als to whatever level you want. So what level you face the Ba’als at depends on circumstances and also your own preferences. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll assume you’re fighting at an equal level or above.
That said, compared to bosses from the main game, the Ba’als are notoriously hard and tricky to read, so even if you’re many levels higher, don’t expect an easy ride. As such, we strongly recommend tackling them after beating the game–or at least close to that stage.
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