Dungeons have a recommended level range, shown on the bottom screen.
Luxendarc is a pretty dangerous place to be journeying, but it’s the dungeons where the real danger is found. In order to progress through the game, you’ll need to explore many of these monster-infested labyrinths, which are typically composed of multiple areas or floors.
Like on the world map, you’ll frequently encounter enemies via random battles. However, you won’t have the luxury of saving the game whenever you want. In addition, the map on the bottom screen will start out empty, slowing filling up as you explore the dungeon.
Treasure Hunting¶
One of the main reason to explore dungeons–when you’re not required to save the world–is for the treasure and, sure enough, the dungeons here are chock full of them. Naturally, you’ll find treasure inside treasure chests, but also as shiny objects on the floor.
Annoyingly, the shiny objects don’t show up on the map, so if you staring at the map most of the time, you can easily miss them. Some dungeons also have hidden treasure chests, which can only be found via secret passages. Of course, since we’re so nice, we’ve highlighted all of these on our maps.
Tricks and Traps¶
To stave off intruders and would-be-treasure hunters, some dungeons include devices that you need to trigger to advance. Whenever you see such a device, such as a lever or a switch, pluck up your courage and give it a close inspection. Somewhere nearby, there will be a change, like a newly opened door.
Not all devices are friendly though–some are traps that inflict a status ailment should you come into contact with one. You’ll need to tread carefully (or sometimes quickly!) to avoid these traps. Or you can equip the Freelancer’s Dungeon Master support ability to nullify the effects of traps and terrain.
Adventuring Aid¶
At the end of every dungeon, you’re guaranteed to find the orange-suited Adventurer standing close by. Like in towns and cities, you can access the Save menu and the Adventurer’s shop by speaking to the Adventurer. Perfect timing for the upcoming boss battle ahead!
New to Bravely Second, you can even opt to rest with the Adventurer, to recover all HP, MP and conditions. This special service isn’t free, but it’s still fairly cheap and definitely 100% more convenient than running all the way back to the nearest inn and then back here again.
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