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Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Renowned Explorer

Nathan Garvin
Scott Peers
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Return to A Ford Across the Skunk River

A component quest related to the larger Troll Trouble questline, this won’t appear in your journal until you stumble upon it. Assuming you’re here after checking out the Troll Trouble - Events Overview page, you’ll know this pops up after the Troll Invasion event appears, roughly two weeks before An Ancient Curse expires. For reference, if you’re following the walkthrough chronologically, we’ll be dealing with this shortly after An Ancient Curse - Part 2 starts as part of our journey south through previously-explored areas leading up to the Swamp Witch’s Hut Expedition.

To start this quest, head over to the A Ford Across the Skunk River area southwest of the capital. If you haven’t already been to this area, read the page A Ford Across the Skunk River to catch up on the general encounters - this page will only cover the content related to Renowned Explorer, which will only occur after the Troll Invasion event has triggered. To reach this area from Tuskdale, use the following directions:

  • Northwest
  • Southwest to reach landmark: A Ford Across the Skunk River

(1 of 2) Defeat the Kobolds in the river,

Defeat the Kobolds in the river, (left), after which the so-called “King” Tartuk will arrive with reinforcements. (right)


When you arrive, simply follow the road northwest until you find a Gnome standing around. Approach and he’ll beseech you for help, leading you into the river where some other Gnomes - led by one named Jubilost - are fighting several kobolds. By now, these Kobold Sentinels and Kobold Archers aren’t any threat to you, so wipe them out without worrying too much about tactics.

After the kobolds in the river are defeated more kobolds will appear on the northern bank, while their leader - the so-called King Tartuk - will appear on some cliffs across the river. It doesn’t matter what you say here, Tartuk is determined to fight, or rather, to have his minions fight you for possession of Jubilost’s cart. Kill these kobolds, which aren’t any stronger than the last few you killed save the inclusion of a Kobold Sniper, which is slightly stronger than your average Kobold Archer.

(1 of 2) Pass a series of checks to save Jubilost’s wagon,

Pass a series of checks to save Jubilost’s wagon, (left), and you’ll earn Jubilost’s trust - and his services. (right)

Once this second wave of kobolds has been slain, Tartuk will vanish and Jubilost will fret over his cart. What the kobolds failed to do, the river now threatens, so interact with the cart to start an Illustrated Book Episode:

  1. [Choose a character] One of us tried to jump onto the cart to untie the ponies still standing in the water.

This option will allow you to pick a character, who will then have to pass two skill checks, a [Mobility 15] check and a [Lore (Nature) 10] check. If your character fails the Mobility check, the subsequent Lore (Nature) check’s DC will be raised to twenty, so picking a character with a high Mobility check is imperative, as the Lore (Nature) check should be easy enough for most characters to pass with a bit of luck. If you don’t do this option, you’ll fail at retrieving the cart. In fact, you won’t even be allowed a check.

2. Gathering our strength, we began pulling the cart from the river.

3. We tried to pull the cart out.

If you failed (or didn’t attempt) the first option, this will automatically fail without giving you any options. Calming those ponies down is simply a necessity if you wish to resolve this successfully.

If you succeeded at the previous Lore (Nature) check, you’ll get three options for saving the cart: [Lore (Nature) 19], [Athletics 20], or [Charisma 15], so you have options if you’re smart, strong or pretty. Hard to be more fair than that. Furthermore, if you pick the option We tied a rope to the cart earlier, you’ll also get a [Strength 14] option. Pick whichever one your party is most likely to succeed at to save Jubilost’s cart.

Save the cart if at all possible, then talk to Jubilost. The arrogant gnome wastes little time arguing with your companions and complaining about the lack of infrastructure and security in your domain, while constantly fishing for recognition of his supposed celebrity. After the contentious introductory sparring is out of the way, you’ll be free to ask him some questions. Assuming you’re not out for blood, be sure to say “You said you were famous, but I don’t know you. What are you famous for?” followed by “So what is such a famous person doing that far from civilization?”, then “What is this dwarven outpost you’re searching for?” and finally “I’m looking for the troll’s lair. Maybe we’re looking for the same place? Let’s join our efforts and start looking together”. If you saved his wagon, he’ll trust you enough to travel with you. If not, you’ll have to leave him where he is until you’ve discovered the ruins yourself, then return and tell him what you’ve found, after which he’ll join you.

To finish this quest, you need merely talk Jubilost with you to the Dwarven Ruins.

To complete this quest, you now need merely take Jubilost to the Dwarven Ruins area, the location of which you’ll discover in the Ruined Watchtower area. Once at the Dwarven Ruins, just walk forward a bit and Jubilost will reward you handsomely for the escort, and you’ll be able to make a few alignment-influencing dialog choices. Say what you will and the quest will end.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    21 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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At the mansion of the Swordlord Jamandi Aldori, adventurers have gathered, lured by the promise of dominion should one of them conquer the nearby Stolen Lands and oust its current overlord - the Stag Lord. You are one such adventurer, and Jamandi’s offer isn’t just a benevolent call-to-arms to make the Stolen Lands safe for normal folk, there’s political angles to its conquest, and the ultimate allegience of its new ruler. More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers rise… and fall. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game’s main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies.

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