You can pick up this quest by talking to Bokken at Oleg’s Trading Post, after which you’ll need to make your way over to the Old Sycamore area, which you can reach from Oleg’s Trading Post by following these directions:
- South
- Southeast
- Southeast
- Southwest
- South
- Southwest
(1 of 3) On the western end of the central plateau you’ll find a cultivated crop of Moon Radishes.
In the center of the Old Sycamore area you’ll find a hill, which is easily accessible from the north. Explore the western end of the hill to find a group of Kobolds sleeping among some Moon Radishes. Attempt to take one and an elderly Kobold will yell at you. You can respond with violence, if you wish, forcing you to face off against a Flame Shaman, two Sentinels, and two Archers. After killing the Kobolds you can collect enough Moon Radishes for your purposes, the rest being damaged in the fray.
Violence isn’t always the answer, however, and chatting with the Kobolds instead will reveal that these Moon Radishes have mind-altering effects… at least for Kobolds. To get the Moon Radishes you need without a fight you have several options. First, simply steal with with a [Trickery 19] check (which is also a [Chaotic Neutral] act), or pick the dialogue option “About that radish…” to get two more options. Offer to be a sport and give half the radishes you dig out to the Kobolds [Lawful Good], succeed at a [Diplomacy] (DC 18) check and convince them to share [Neutral], or threaten them [Intimidate 17] so you can take the radishes [Neutral Evil]. If you wish to be truly evil, there’s nothing that prevents you from intimidating the Kobolds to get what you want, then killing them for the heck of it. However you obtain the Moon Radishes, your reward is the same.
Reward: For gathering Moon Radishes |
60 XP |
Reward: For bringing the Moon Radishes back to Bokken |
165 XP / 200 GP |
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