During Chapter 3, when there are around +203 days left on [An Ancient Curse, Part 3] you’ll get the mundane-seeming event Bog Mischief. Assign an advisor to deal with it and after it has resolved the errand A Trail of Misfortune will begin.
The location of the Fey Glade area on the map.
To resolve it, head into the Northern Narlmarches to discover a new area - the Fey Glade just northwest of Tuskgutter’s Lair.
Enter the area and head north to find a “Reckless Satyr Bowman” yelling at some Dryad, who has apparently offended the rest of the fey in the area by fraternizing with a local elf. Fortunately for you, their overindulgence in their ill-gotten gains has left them somewhat worse for wear, and while picking a fight with them is a solution, it’s not the only one.
You can bribe, intimidate, or shout a satyr and its fellow hungover fey into leaving.
After introducing yourself you’ll have three options (aside from violence) for dispersing the fey: you can succeed at an [Intimidate 25] check to scare them off, give them some alcohol (various types work, including ale, wine, bufo, cider, mead and port), or just repeatedly pick dialog options where you talk loudly - then shout. Being hungover, they’ll get the hint and retreat. Oddly enough, the Intimidate check will net you the least XP - 180 XP - while the other two solutions will earn you 270 XP. Once they’re gone you’ll earn an additional 600 XP for completing the quest.
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