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Pathfinder: Kingmaker

A Task for the Sweet Teeth

Nathan Garvin
Scott Peers
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Walkthrough for Kaessi’s companion quest A Task for the Sweet Teeth in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

This quest can be acquired from Kaessi after completing her companion quest Sorrowflow (we waited until the start of Chapter 3). Go to Kanerah’s and Kalikke’s House in your capital, located south east of the entrance to the throne room. Upon entering, you will find three of Kaessi’s friends: Tevi, Naiho, and Elki. Feel free to speak with them and learn all that you wish at this stage. When you’re ready, go upstairs and speak with Kaessi in her bedroom.

After speaking with Kaessi upstairs, it’s clear that’s she’s not interested in spending any time with her friends - collectively known as the Sweet Teeth - and would like you to get rid of them for her by assigning them a task in a far away land. You can begin by going downstairs and speaking to any one of the Sweet Teeth. They will all respond with the same dialogue. Choose option 3, “Let’s see if you can complete my task…” to earn 90 Experience.

(1 of 2) Kaessi will complain about the Sweet Teeth.

Kaessi will complain about the Sweet Teeth. (left), Kill two birds with one stone by sending them to weed the Narlmarches. (right)

After selecting the above option, you will be presented with four tasks to assign to the Sweet Teeth. These are as follows:

  • “The Narlmarches are overgrown. They need to be weeded!”.
  • Take some measurements of Lake Silverstep. I wish to know the exact length of its shoreline!“
  • The road through Varnhold to Talon Peak is terribly inconvenient. Try to find a better one, past the Shrike Hills!“
  • “The picket fence at Oleg’s Trading Post is tilted. Go there and fix it!”

Set the Sweet Teeth on the task of weeding the Narlmarches and they’ll bring you an Emerald Necklace, among other treasures.

Start out with “The Narlmarches are overgrown. They need to be weeded!” to send them off on this absurd task. All will need to be completed eventually, but sending them out to weed the Narlmarches should earn you an Emerald Necklace, which you’ll need to advance Kimo Tavon’s Masterpiece quest, Affairs of the Heart.

With the first task assigned, all you need do now is wait for enough time to elapse for them to complete it. This should take several weeks (weeding the Narlmarches took exactly 32 days, by our count - just to give you an idea of what to expect), but you’ll know for sure when the journal updates, prompting you to return to Kaessi’s house, located in the east of the main square of your capital. As you enter you’ll notice the Sweet Teeth have returned. Speak with them to earn 540 XP, along with various foods and an Emerald Necklace. You can then send them off on their next task and repeat the process until all tasks are complete.

When all the tasks are done, speak with the Sweet Teeth in Kaessi’s house again. Choose the dialogue option “It would be better for you to stay away from the capital for a while”.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    21 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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