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Pathfinder: Kingmaker


Nathan Garvin
Scott Peers
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Click on the location you want to walk to, and your character will start moving toward it. The location will be marked with a special symbol. If the location is inaccessible, the symbol will instead appear in the nearest accessible section.


To move the camera, use the WASD and ARROW KEYS or press and hold the middle mouse button.

Area Exit

Click [the door] icon to exit the current area.

Basic Combat

General: Combat happens in real time, but you can pause the game at any time to assess the situation and give orders to your companions. To pause or unpause the game, press Space. Click on an opponent to attack them.

Dice Rolls: Most of the game’s mechanics are based on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game System, and use dice rolls to determine the results of actions. The most common die has 20 sides an is used for both checks and attacks.

Initiative: When a battle starts, each combatant makes and initiative check. The higher their initiative, the earlier the character can act. Initiative scores can be viewed in the Combat Log. Combat is divided into rounds, with each round lasting 6 seconds.

Attack Roll: An attack is a character’s attempt to strike an opponent. The result of an attack roll depends on many factors: wielded weapons, the combatant’s abilities, etc. An attack succeeds if the result of an attack roll equals or exceeds the target’s Armor Class.

Damage: The amount of damage dealt in the case of a successful attack depends on the weapon’s stats and other factors, such as buff spells. Attack roll results and damage number can be found in the Combat Log.

Armor Class: The higher a character’s Armor Class, the more difficult it is to successfully attack them. It combines a base defense of 10 with other factors, such as equipment stats, Dexterity bonus, passive abilities, etc.


You can interact with various objects, such as the bodies of dead opponents, by clicking on them. Interactive objects are highlighted with a blue outline when you hover your mouse over them or when you hold Tab.

Linzi’s Journal

Linzi’s Journal contains your current quests and tasks. When their status changes, you will also see a notification on the main screen. To open Linzi’s Journal press J.

Equipping Items

You’ve acquired a ring. In order to equip it, open your inventory by pressing I.


There are several companions in your party now. To select a single character, click on their portrait or press a corresponding key Alt+1 - Alt+6. To select multiple characters at once and give them the same order, draw a frame around them while holding down on the left mouse button. To select all characters, press Backspace.


Linzi and Tartuccio are capable of casting spells. To use a spell, click on its icon in the action panel or in the spells menu, and then on the target (your companion or an enemy, depending on the desire effect). For Clerics, Druids, Magi, Paladins, Rangers and Wizards, spells are prepared in advance before casting it again. Bards, Inquisitors and Sorcerers can use their spells several time per day, but their spell repertoire is limited. Spells have various characteristics, such as range, duration, school, etc. To review all the spells available to a character, open their spellbook by pressing B.

When a character acquires a new spell or ability, it automatically appears in the first free slot on their action panel (for spontaneous casters it happens as soon as they get it, for casters who have to prepare their spells, it happens when they prepare it for the first time). If you remove a spell from the action panel, it won’t appear there automatically again.


Most characters have usable abilities, which may be limited to a certain number of charges. To use an ability, click on the icon in the action panel or in the Special Abilities menu, and then on a target. (You might target a companion or an enemy, depending on the desired effect.) Some abilities do not require targeting, or can be switched on and off.

Attacks of Opportunity

Some actions performed close to an armed opponent can provoke an additional attack upon your character even when it’s not the opponent’s turn. Such actions include, among other things, casting spells, attempting to move away from an opponent, and shooting ranged weapons.

Tactical Time Flow

Tactical Time Flow (Advanced Combat Tutorial): By holding down “Shift” + “Spacebar” while the game is paused, you can make time move slowly, for better combat control.

Hit Points, Healing and Death

Each character has a certain number of hit points (HP). When a character’s HP value drops to 0, they lose consciousness. After combat is over, the character will get up and can be controlled again.

A character’s HP value can drop into negative numbers. However, if a character is reduced to a negative amount of hit points equal to its Constitution score, the character dies. To resurrect them, you will need a special spell.

To restore lost hit points, you can use healing spells, potions, or rest.
Healing potions can be bought from merchants or obtained as trophies after combat. Healing spells are accessible to the following classes: Bard, Cleric, Inquisitor, Paladin and Ranger.

To use expendable items, such as scrolls, potions and rods, open your inventory and place them in the quick slots on their belt. Return to the main screen and click the Belt button on the action panel to access these items. You cannot use an expendable item on the inventory screen.

Skill Checks

Sometimes interacting with an object requires a skill check. A successful check may be needed for a variety of tasks: unlocking a door, opening a chest, disabling a trap, moving a heavy object, reading and inscription in an ancient language, etc. Different skills are used for different checks. If multiple characters are selected at once, the character with the highest skill bonus will perform the action.

Some skill checks, like trap disarming, can be attempted multiple times. Others, like unlocking doors or spotting hidden things, can only be retried after a character raises their skill rank. Some items and spells can give characters a bonus to a skill check, but applying this bonus doesn’t give you a chance to retry a failed check.

Highlighting Objects

Press the Tab key to highlight all interactive objects in the vicinity.


Each character can carry a limited amount of weight, based on their Strength score. Each character carries the weight of their personal equipment as well as a part of the party’s shared stash. There are three stages of encumbrance: light load, medium load and heavy load. Medium and heavy loads burden the character, limiting their abilities in battle. You can see the penalties due to their carried weight by pointing at the encumbrance gauge under the character’s equipment window.

Encumbrance (World Map)

If your party encumbrance is higher than Light (1/3 of your maximum carrying capacity), your travel speed on the global map will be reduced appropriately. If your party encumbrance exceeds maximum carrying capacity, you cannot travel on the global map, and your movement speed on locations will be drastically reduced.


You will encounter many traps on your adventures. When any of your characters approaches a trap, they will automatically make a Perception skill check. On success, you will see the trap’s location and the game will automatically pause. Traps vary in effect as well as difficulty to detect. Having identified a trap, you can click on it to order one of the characters to make a Thievery skill check to disable it. On success, the trap will be disabled. On failure, it will remain in place. However, if the result of a skill roll is less than the trap’s difficulty by 5 or more, the trap will go off as if the character had triggered it. All check results can be found in the Combat Log.


You found a scroll - a single-use item that allows you to see the spell that’s written upon it. For a character to use it, that character must have the Use Magic Device skill, or be of a class which could eventually learn to cast the spell. For convenience, it is best to place things like scrolls into a character’s quick slots.

Dialogue Checks

Sometimes skills are checked over the course of dialogue - for example, when trying to convince a character of something. The check result will determine the way the dialogue develops. The character in the party with the highest bonus in the desired skill is usually used to determine such a check.

Spell Conversion

Clerics and Druids can convert their spells spontaneously. A Cleric of good alignment doesn’t need to prepare healing spells: they can spend almost any prepared spell to cast a cure of the same level. In the same way, a Cleric of evil alignment doesn’t need to prepare inflict spells. During character creation, Clerics of neutral alignment can choose whether their converted spells cure or inflict. A Druid can convert almost any prepared spell into Summon Nature’s Ally of the same level.


Group formations is half of any victory. The formation system will help you hold the line in combat. Click the button to select one of the standard formations, or you can create your own.

Hidden Items

One of your character has detected a hidden object after rolling a successful Perception skill check. Objects found this way are highlighted with a purple outline. All check results can be found in the Combat Log.

Illustrated Book Episodes

Some game events play out as illustrated book episodes. The decisions you make during these episodes can have drastic impact on the developments of the game’s plot. As with dialogues, you will often need to make various skill checks during these episodes. Depending on the circumstances, sometimes you will need to choose one of your party members to perform an action, and sometimes an action will be automatically performed by the character with the highest skill bonus.


One of your characters is fatigued. This is just one of the negative conditions that can affect you during the game. To notify you that a character is under the effect of a condition, a symbol will appear near their portrait. To find out more about the character’s condition, open their Character screen.


A fatigued character cannot charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After a complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued. You can also cure fatigue with a restoration spell or potion.

Moral Choices

Sometimes your character has to make difficult decisions, relying on their conscience (or lack thereof). Such decisions impact your character’s alignment, gradually shifting your character towards good or evil, lawful or chaotic. Some dialogues feature special options that are available only to characters with certain alignments.

Map Movement

This is a map of the Stolen Lands and their vicinities. To set out, click on one of the arrows near your party token. you can learn the whereabouts of significant locations by talking to characters or happening upon them during your journey. After learning about a location, you must find the way there yourself. Along the way, random encounters await. You may be attacked by monsters, or you may meet new acquaintances. After exiting the location of a random encounter, you will not be able to return there.


It’s high time to set up camp and rest. In camp, all characters will restore some of their lost hit points, and those capable of casting spells will replenish them. To camp, you need a special resource - rations. When you press R or click the “Rest” button, an outline of a camp appears under your mouse cursor. A green outline allows you to click to set up camp there, while a red one means that something is blocking it. After setting up camp, click on the bonfire to begin resting.

Once everyone has gathered around the bonfire, you will see a special camp interface used to set the resting time an distribute up the following responsibilities among your party members:

Hunting - success will acquire additional rations
Camp Camouflage - lowers the chance of an enemy attack on the camp the same way Night Watch does
Cooking - preparing a successful dish will grant positive effect lasting 16 hours to the specific character or the entire party, depending on the recipe
Special Ability - every party member has their own special ability

You can assign more than one job to a party member, but be careful: that would prevent them from having a proper rest!

While resting, your camp may be attacked by enemies. After dealing with them, click on the fire again to continue resting. It is usually better to avoid camping in dungeons - in dungeons, you won’t be able to hunt, cook, or use certain abilities. Moreover, there is a higher chance of enemy attacks in such places.

Level Up

Victories in combat and other advances will award your character with experience points. After gaining a certain amount of experience, a character will achieve a level up. This allows them to gain a new class or increase their level in one of their taken classes. This also provides other benefits, such as increasing the character’s total hit points.

Alignment Restricted Dialogue Choices

Some dialogues feature options that are available only to characters with certain alignments.

Safe Locations

There are no threats in this location. It is a sort of “headquarters” where you can prepare your party for a new expedition. In such locations, companions don’t follow you around and will go about their own business. You can speak with them freely to get to know them better. Once you exit this location and return to the global map, you will be able to choose the companions you wish to take with you, leaving the others here. Whenever you meet a new companion but don’t want to include them in your party right away, that companion will travel to this location on their own.


If your party encumbrance is higher than Light (1/3 of your maximum carrying capacity), your travel speed on the global map will be reduced appropriately. If your party encumbrance exceeds maximum carrying capacity, you cannot travel on the global map, and your movement speed on locations will be drastically reduced.

Enemy Swarms

Some small-sized enemies - rats, spiders, mandragoras - can cluster into swarms and act as a single entity. Such enemies are extremely dangerous! They can’t be defeated with simple weapons, however, they are vulnerable to Acid Flasks and Alchemist Fires, spells with area of effects capability, or spells that require an attack roll (like Acid Splash). You can also try to use torches as a last resort.


Sometimes you will come across locations shrouded in darkness, such as caverns or catacombs. To find your way around them, you can use lanterns, torches or the Light spell.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    21 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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At the mansion of the Swordlord Jamandi Aldori, adventurers have gathered, lured by the promise of dominion should one of them conquer the nearby Stolen Lands and oust its current overlord - the Stag Lord. You are one such adventurer, and Jamandi’s offer isn’t just a benevolent call-to-arms to make the Stolen Lands safe for normal folk, there’s political angles to its conquest, and the ultimate allegience of its new ruler. More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers rise… and fall. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game’s main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies.

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