(1 of 3) Free Jhod Kavken from the bandits at Thorn Ford
This quest should proceed naturally as you play through the story, but just in case, it’ll be gone over in some detail here. First you’ll need to liberate and talk to Jhod Kavken from the bandits in Thorn Ford, which should start this quest. Afterwards you can return to Oleg’s Trading Post and talk to Jhod further, but it’s not necessary. Instead, read some Written Orders you can find at the aforementioned bandit camp in Thorn Ford, which will mark the location of the Abandoned Hut on your map.
Travel to the Abandoned Hut area and progress through it, talking to the Guardian of the Bloom, fighting off wolves, and watching ghostly images of the past as the situation demands. When you reach the eponymous hut atop a hill, search a stash [Perception 1] to find Nugrah’s Lost Note which will mention a Temple of the Elk
Travel to the Temple of the Elk clear out the beasts within, rescue Tristian, then return to Jhod at Oleg’s Trading Post to complete the quest.
Reward: For exploring the Temple of the Elk |
240 XP // Scroll of Blindness x2 |
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