Travel: Pine Patch¶
There are two ways to reach this area, and both require you to head to the Ancient Tomb, first. After exiting the Ancient Tomb you’ll get to partake in an Illustrated Book episode. If you succeed at all its stages (see the text under the text under the “Trailing Tartuccio” header in the “Ancient Tomb” page, above) you’ll arrive at the Pine Patch immediately. If not you’ll need to return to Oleg’s Trading Post after leaving the Ancient Tomb and talk to Kesten, who will tell you where the Pine Patch location is. If you have to go there, the directions are as follows:
- South
- Southeast
- West
- South
- South
- South to reach landmark: Ancient Tomb
- South
- South
- Southeast
(1 of 2) Interrupt Tartuccio to send the manipulative Gnome fleeing
Interrupt Tartuccio to send the manipulative Gnome fleeing (left), Unfortunately, he’ll secure his escape by throwing some Kobolds at you (right)
However you get here, when you arrive head north to find a disguised Tartuccio doing what he does best: deceiving others. In this case, a group of Kobolds. Whatever you say, Tartuccio will flee with the majority of his reptilian rubes, leaving just enough behind to distract you. Kill the woefully outclassed foes, and since there’s no benefit to chasing directly after Tartuccio, stay and loot the area.
Search the southwestern corner of the area and pass a [Perception 7] check to find a chest hidden under some foliage. Your diligence here is rewarded with ten bottle of Port - worth a fair bit of coin. In the northwestern corner of the map you can find an Ancient Rostlandic Coin should you pass a [Perception 6], while near some boulders in the southeastern corner of the map awaits another Ancient Rostlandic Coin. Another ten bottle of Port can be found in a chest in the northeastern corner of the map, right at the edge of the area. Finally, search a campsite near where Tartuccio performed for his victims, where can loot two sacks for some food, and the Recipe: Haggis.
With that, it’s time to leave, and if you wish to continue pursuing Tartuccio you’ll find him at the Old Sycamore. The Old Sycamore, however, is a pretty large, involved area with potentially a lot of combat - some of it quite challenging. You’ll probably want to have all the resources possible before you go there, and to achieve that it’s recommended you abandon the pursuit of Tartuccio for now and instead turn your attention back to the Stag Lord. This means traveling to Thorn Ford, which isn’t too far off…
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