Walkthrough for Mim Wobblegander’s artisan quest Green Stone in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
(1 of 3) Claim the Silverstep region,
You’ll get this errand as soon as you draw the attention of Mim Wobblegander, which you’ll invariably accomplish after you claim the Silverstep region. To claim the Silverstep region, you must first completing the errand The Lonely Hunter. Complete the aforementioned errand, claim the Silverstep region, and found a village there.
(1 of 2) Give Mim an Emerald,
Give Mim an Emerald, (left), and construct her shop and she’ll start crafting items for you. (right)
After claiming the Silverstep region, Mim Wobblegander will show up in your throne room and ask for an Emerald. You can find one of these precious stones in the Waterlogged Lowland area. Once you have it, head over to your village in the Silverstep region and give her the Emerald to complete the assignment, earning 600 XP in the process and the ability to construct Mim’s Jewelry Shop in your village.
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