This page is dedicated to the third episode of Pinna Park. In this level you will need to collect all 8 Red Coins in order to complete the level.
Collect all the Red Coins¶
Firstly, you’ll need to follow the red arrow signs up to the steep set of stairs that takes you up to the swinging pirate ships. At the top of the stairs, you’ll be able to grab the 1st red coin. Then, hop onto the pirate ship just ahead, and stand at the back whilst it swings to the right, where you’ll then be able to grab the 2nd red coin.
You can use your hover nozzle to help prevent you from falling off.
The jump onto the next ship requires some good timing. If you fall off, don’t worry too much as you’ll just land in a pool of water and you can make your way around and back up to the stairs again. You’ll want to jump onto the second ship just as its coming down from the right and is still slightly vertical. Then, you’ll have plenty of time to grab the 3rd red coin and hop over onto the metal mesh platform. You can hang onto the mesh and climb along the walls, or even hang onto the mesh and travel beneath paths. The 4th coin will be just on top of the mesh platform next to the pirate ship.
After grabbing the red coin on top, head down onto the wall with the rotating gate (the square outlined in red). By pressing Y, you’ll be able to get into the cube by spinning the gate. To use the spinning gate below you, you’ll need to groundpound to spin it. You’ll then end up outside of the cube again, but this time you’ll be hanging on to the underneath of the mesh platform. You can make your way across the platform to grab the 5th red coin.
You can climb on the sides and along the underside of mesh platforms.
Once you’ve grabbed the 5th coin, hop down onto the platform below. Along the underneath of this path are two Electrokoopas that are blocking your way. To get rid of them, you’ll need to ground pound on the path above them. Once they’re gone, you can use the rotating gate to then get to the underneath of the mesh path, where you can then get the 6th red coin. At the end of the path, you’ll be able to use the rotating gate to head up into the mesh cube. To use rotating gates above you, you just need to jump into them.
Up ahead, you’ll spot another mesh path. Along this path that heads upwards is a series of electrokoopas. To get rid of them this time, you’ll need to head to the underneath of the path and press A/B to bump your head against the path, causing the electrokoopas to fall off. On the underneath of the path you’ll also find the 7th red coin! Get rid of all of the enemies before you head back down to the start of the ramp, then make your way up the path. At the top of the ramp, you’ll find the final 8th coin and the Shine Sprite will spawn right next to you.
Get rid of the electrokoopas by bumping them off the paths, so they don’t electrocute you!
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