This page provides an overview of the small galaxy Hurry-Scurry Galaxy. The galaxy requires 12 stars to unlock. There is also only one Power Star available in this galaxy.
Shrinking Satellite¶
This level only has 2 planets, although the ending planet seems to be referred to as a “Satellite”, as the name of the level suggests. Your goal is to survive the shrinking tiles and get to the Power Star at the center of the Shrinking Satellite.
There is only one enemy in this galaxy: a single Goomba. This level focuses more on the speed and agility of the player, rather than their combat ability.
- Goombas - Goombas will simply run at you and try to damage you by touching Mario. To defeat them, spin attack them then run at them to kick them away, or just jump on their head.
Watch out for the one and only Goomba enemy in this galaxy!
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