This star can be slightly more difficult or pretty easy, depending on whether or not you enter the course with time standing still or having it run. The star is located in a small alcove that normally requires you to use one of the clock hands in the course to reach. However, it is possible to Long Jump to the star without needing anything moving in the clock. Once you start the level, you will want to take the main path until you reach the large mesh platform that’s right above the Red Coins. Note that this is the same spot that you come to if you happen to use the turning platforms with the Red Coins, with the shortcut at the top.
(1 of 2) The star is in an alcove separated from normal means
The star is in an alcove separated from normal means (left), You can actually Long Jump over to it from the spinning platforms (right)
If time is moving, then you simply wait for the clock hand to come around before standing on it. There will be an Amp in the middle there, that will attempt to shock you, but standing on the arrow will prevent that from happening. When you reach the alcove with the star, do the tiniest jump you can to avoid bonking on the wall. If you are attempting this star with time standing still, then you want to go a little higher than the clock hand. When you reach the four spinning platforms just a little beyond the clock hand, you can Long Jump from the second one, but the camera will be a little wonky, so it’s a tiny bit hard to line up.
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