You will be going to the very top of the course in order to acquire this star. By now, you should have enough practice to get to the spot with the clock hand. Once you reach that spot, continue upwards via the four spinning platforms and onto the cage with the star from Roll into the Cage. Take the path beyond and jump up to the pole, then climb it to the next section. If you remember, there are two paths to go here and you will want to take the platform behind you. If time is moving, then you can ride the moving platform up, but if it’s not, then you will need to perform a Side Somersault and Wall Jump to reach a platform you can’t see above you.
When you get above the area with the pole, look for the two rotating square blocks and head in that direction. This will lead you to a path with some moving bars, with conveyors beyond that. On the next path, reach the end and jump over the two turning platforms, where you might be reaching the pinnacle of your journey. If time is stopped, you will need to jump to the bigger area that will put you underneath the conveyor and the Thwomp. To reach the conveyor, you will need to Triple Jump and Wall Jump off one of the walls to the side. From there, jump on top of the Thwomp to reach the platform with the star.
(1 of 2) With time still, you will have to Triple Jump and Wall Jump to reach the conveyor
With time still, you will have to Triple Jump and Wall Jump to reach the conveyor (left), You have to stand on the Thwomp to reach the star (right)
If time is moving, however, you have things a little easier on you. Instead of jumping to the area beneath the Thwomp, you can continue along the path to two triangular-shaped rotating platforms. You will be on the highest path in the course, which has a Keronpa Ball to watch out for here. There’s a second clock hand here that will bring you straight to the conveyor, making it easier as you don’t have to do the Wall Jump. From there, you simply need to jump on the Thwomp and to the platform above it to nab the star.
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