You will find yourself using the flying carpets again for this star, as you are heading to the big house in the sky. At the beginning, use the carpet to get to the four spinning platforms, then ride the carpet you see near those. This will end up with you having to choose between two more carpets. If the carpet you’re using is coming towards the camera, then you will want to get on the left carpet at the split. This is the one that will bring you to the big house, but it’s going to be a pretty long ride.
(1 of 2) Take the carpet pointed out in the screenshot to go to the big house
Take the carpet pointed out in the screenshot to go to the big house (left), Keep an eye out for the fireplace inside the big house (right)
The ride to the big house is not that crazy, as you will head inside at one point, where you notice the fireplace is spewing a stream of fire. You don’t want to get off inside the house, though, as there’s nothing there besides a few coins. Once the carpet exits, you will pass by some platforms you have to jump over, one of which has an Amp doing some laps on it. After the second platform here, you will re-enter the house (watch for the fireplace), then head to the roof. That is where your ride will end, so jump off on the roof and collect the star.
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