Your goal for this star is to get to the other side of the large fence near the beginning of the course, and there are two ways to do that. The longer way involves the namesake of the star, so let’s go in that direction first. Head to the fork near the beginning of the stage and take the right path, navigating the pyramid-shaped platforms. Instead of the serpent-like walkway, you want to go the other route here, leading to a circular platform with two Bullies. You don’t need to take them out, though, as you simple want to drop off the side and onto the small metal platform.
This metal platform will move once you’re on it, but you have to watch out for streams of fire coming out of the lava. There will be three spouts of lava, but if you stick to the edges of the platform, you shouldn’t get hit by any of them (alternate your position after each one). At the end, jump off and you will notice a giant wooden log there. The goal with the log is to make it move by standing on the one side. However, as it moves, it becomes a little more difficult to stay on and considering it will still move, you might get stuck underneath and die quickly. Thankfully, you don’t have to stay on it long to get to the end, where it’s a straight shot to the star.
(1 of 3) Keep moving while on the log to avoid falling off
Easier Way¶
So, if you’ve explored the outside portion of the course, you undoubtedly came across the Wing Cap box behind the starting position. This isn’t actually used in any of the stars, but it does make this one a lot easier and shorter. Once you begin, you can Long Jump to the island with the red box, so do that and don the cap. Long Jump back to the starting platform and get to the second portion with the arch, which will be important in a minute. You will be performing a Triple Jump to take off with the Wing Cap, but the third jump will need to come from the top of the arch. If done right, you can fly over the fence and easily snag the star.
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