One of the first things you should do in Tick Tock Clock is get used to the layout of the entire thing, but a lot of the stars will only take you partway through the course. When you begin, there is a section behind you, as well as another path in front of you. Also, it should be noted that having time stand still does not affect this star in the slightest, so it’s a good idea to make sure it isn’t moving. When you begin, take the path with the pendulum and jump to the one block. If time is moving, then this block will rotate every few seconds, so you will need to jump to avoid being thrown off of it.
(1 of 2) The block will periodically rotate if time is moving
The block will periodically rotate if time is moving (left), It’s a pretty easy jump to get into the cage with the star (right)
Continue to the path that’s flush with the wall and you will come to another set of blocks that would turn, should time be moving. Time your jumps up them and keep going to the area right above where you probably see Red Coins. There will be a Keronpa Ball here, but the area is big enough to avoid its fire. When you get to the platforms that are spinning around in place, you’re almost to your goal. On the path, be mindful of the bar coming out of the wall if time isn’t stopped. Right next to that will be a cage and you should be able to see the star inside. Jump from the spinning platform and collect the star.
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