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Elden Ring

All NPCs in the Academy of Raya Lucaria

Scott Peers
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will show you all the NPCs and merchants in the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Key NPC Locations in the Academy of Raya Lucaria

NPC General Location
Sorceress Sellen In the Raya Lucaria Grand Library after completing her questline
Sorcerer Thops In the southeast of the academy, outside the room with Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Initially a boss at the Raya Lucaria Grand Library, can be interacted with to respec upon defeating her
Boc the Seamster In the Raya Lucaria Grand Library after completing his questline by giving him a[Larval Tear
Isolated Merchant (Raya Lucaria Academy) Outside the academy, near the end of the southeast bridge leading from the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace
Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Found on the bridge north of the Main Gate Site of Grace, just north of the academy
Diallos Another found technically outside the academy to the southeast, just northwest of the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace
Finger Reader At the beginning of the unbroken section of the southeast bridge leading from the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace

Where is Sorceress Sellen

You can find Sorceress Sellen in the Raya Lucaria Grand Library after defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. The meeting with Sorceress Sellen here will be the last in her questline, and she’ll replace Rennala here if you choose to aid her. However, you have the option to invade Sellen instead of Jerren, but we don’t recommend doing this for the reasons stated below.

Once you’ve cleared Raya Lucaria Academy, return to the Raya Lucaria Grand Library Site of Grace and head outside, you’ll find two summon signs either side of the door. A gold one that will summon you to the aid of Sellen against Witch-Hunter Jerren, doing this will result in Jerren’s death and end his Questline here, preventing the rewards from that. The red sign will allow you to invade Sellen and assist Jerren, ending Sellen’s Questline and preventing her rewards, you must make a decision as you cannot complete both on a single playthrough. As for rewards, Sellen’s conclusion offers the greater rewards (you can find out more about Jerren’s rewards on his respective NPC page).

Jerren should be a pushover with Sellen using her sorcery from range, once he’s defeated you’ll obtain the Eccentric’s Armor set and return to the Grand Library where Sellen will replace Rennala. Speak with her to exhaust her dialogue and she’ll hand over the Glintstone Kris along with offering a new Sorcery spell, Shard Spiral to her shop. If you’ve already visited Lusat and obtained his Sorcery, refresh the area and speak to Sellen again, before doing the same once more.

You’ll now find that Rennala has returned and Sellen’s appearance has taken a rather drastic change, speak with her to obtain the Witch’s Glintstone Crown. This is the end of Sellen’s Questline, but you’ll still be able to speak with her here to purchase anymore Sorceries. As an additional bonus, you can return to where you found both Azur and Lusat to obtain their Armor sets.

Where is Sorcerer Thops

You’ll find Sorcerer Thops in the southeast of the academy, outside the room where the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace is located. In order to find Thops here, you’ll need to have first progressed his questline by providing him with an Academy Glintstone Key, which can be found within the academy after you’ve used one yourself to enter. After this, travel to the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace, leave the building and look to the side of it to locate the body of Thops. You can loot him to obtain Thops’s Bell Bearing, an Academy Glintstone Staff, and the Thops’s Barrier Sorcery. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the death of Thops, but you will get some useful loot related to Sorceries in the process.

(1 of 3) Thops can be found just outside the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace

If you were unable to purchase the spells from Thops before his death, you can do so after providing Thops’s Bell Bearing to the Twin Husks at the Roundtable Hold. The Twins will then sell the Sorceries for the same prices, listed below.

Item Description Stock Runes
Glintstone Pebble Fires magic projectiles from glintstone 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1000
Glintstone Arc Fires a horizontally-widening magic arc 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1500
StarlightStarlight”) Creates star light to illuminate surroundings 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png2500

Where is Boc the Seamster

You can find Boc the Seamster in the Raya Lucaria Grand Library after completing his questline. This is where you’ll find Boc at the end of one of three optional endings to his questline, upon gifting him a Larval Tear so that he can be reborn. Once you’re in the library, you’ll find Boc behind Rennala (or Sorceress Sellen if you’ve completed her quest), but the only thing you’ll be able to recognize him by is his hat. He’s now in human form, but he won’t be able to speak to you. Upon resting at the nearby gravesite, you’ll find him dead. This is the bad ending to Boc’s questline. The good one can be achieved by obtaining the Prattling Pate ‘You’re Beautiful’ from the Hermit Village, then using it next to him and speaking with him. You can also do neither of these and wait, at which point Boc will eventually be found just outside the Raya Lucaria Grand Library, with the questline ended automatically.

Where is Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Rennala is initially encountered at the Raya Lucaria Grand Library as an Elden Lord boss. However, upon defeating her in this form you can find and speak with her in the centre of the library. Here you will have the unique option of Rebirth, which essentially allows you to respec by adjusting your character name, appearance, and basic stats. You won’t be able to change your class, but you can start afresh by investing in different stats to focus on particular types of combat, in accordance with the amount of Runes that you’ve invested in character levels so far. You will only be able to do this once you present Rennala with a Larval Tear.

Where is the Isolated Merchant in Raya Lucaria Academy

Isolated Merchant (Raya Lucaria Academy) can be found just outside the academy, near the end of the southeast bridge leading from the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace, or just north of the South Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace. They sell the following items:

Isolated Merchant Items

Item Cost Qty
Fanged Imp Ashes Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2000 1
Trina’s Lily Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 3
Eye of Yelough Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
Stonesword Key Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 3
Lost Ashes of War Runes1_Elden_Ring.png4000 1
Fevor’s Cookbook [2] Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3500 1
Saint Trina’s Arrow Runes1_Elden_Ring.png160 20
Meteor Bolt Runes1_Elden_Ring.png120 -
Blue Cloth Cowl Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1
Blue Cloth Vest Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
Warrior Gauntlets Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1
Warrior Greaves Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1
Sacrificial Twig Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 3
Note: Revenants Runes1_Elden_Ring.png800 1
Note: Frenzied Flame Village Runes1_Elden_Ring.png800 1

Where is Bloody Finger Hunter Yura

This one is found technically outside of the academy as well, located on the bridge north of the Main Gate Site of Grace, just north of the academy. Note that Yura can only be found here at the fourth meeting of their quest. Head beyond the magic seal (used to leave the academy) to find a red summon sign on the ground. Activate this to come to the aid of Yura and help him defeat Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin. This battle should be a pushover with the two of you, especially with Yura drawing the initial ire of your foe.

Once the battle is won, look to the side near where the summon sign was and you’ll find Yura there. Speak with him to obtain a Smithing Stone [5]. Exhaust his dialogue to learn he doesn’t have long and that he is hunting someone by the name of Eleonara.

Where is Diallos

Another one found technically outside the academy to the southeast, just northwest of the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace. This is where you’ll find Diallos upon your second encounter with him. Once you reach the Liurnia region after finishing up Stormveil Castle, Diallos will vanish from the Roundtable Hold as he goes to search for Lanya himself. You can find both him and Lanya’s corpse northwest of the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace and he remarks about a particular house. There’s not much else you can do for Diallos at this time, and you’ll have to wait until you gain access to Volcano Manor to progress the questline. As for poor Lanya, there’s nothing you can do to prevent her death, her passing is a requirement for progressing Diallos’ Questline.

Where is Finger Reader

This is one of many Finger Readers that can be found throughout the world. This one is located at the beginning of the unbroken section of the southeast bridge, leading from the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace. She’ll say different things depending on whether or not you’ve found the Dectus Medallion (Left) and Dectus Medallion (Right) at this point.

If you haven’t found the Dectus Medallion (Right) at this point, the Finger Reader will say the following:

  • “You, please, I can read them.
    Your fingers, please, your fingers…
    What a pity it is, to be without the right.
    All you can do is stand, at a loss.
    Without even the half crescents that wish to be whole.
    Before the unmoving, unfeeling Grand Lift ahead.

    Or, are you planning to throw yourself to the waters?
    To find the coward’s passage, through the dim cavern?”

If you have found them, she’ll say the following:

  • “You, please, I can read them.
    Your fingers, please, your fingers…
    Oh, bless you…
    Bless you…

    You. The one who holds both half crescents.
    Take the path to the Grand Lift ahead.
    For you…are the one who will be Lord.

    Bear witness, one and all! The Lord is returned!
    The Elden Lord is come again!”
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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