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Elden Ring

All Glintstone Crown Locations

Matt Chard
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There are nine Glintstone Crowns in Elden Ring, each offering you a different special effect at the cost of a negative. The nine crowns are Karolos Glintstone Crown, Lazuli Glintstone Crown, Lusat’s Glintstone Crown, Hierodas Glintstone Crown, Azur’s Glintstone Crown, Witch’s Glintstone Crown, Twinsage Glintstone Crown, Haima Glintstone Crown, and Olivinus Glintstone Crown. You can find these in the following locations:

  • Karolos Glintstone Crown: Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia
  • Lazuli Glintstone Crown: Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia
  • Lusat’s Glintstone Crown: Sellia Hideaway
  • Hierodas Glintstone Crown: Hermit Village, Mt. Gelmir
  • Azur’s Glintstone Crown: Hermit Village, Mt. Gelmir
  • Witch’s Glintstone Crown: Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia
  • Twinsage Glintstone Crown: Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia
  • Haima Glintstone Crown: West Windmill Pasture, Altus Plateau
  • Olivinus Glintstone Crown: Raya Lucaria Academy, Liurnia

Read on to find out what you need to do to acquire each crown and exactly where you can find them.

Using the Erudition Gesture on some crowns will make them glow!

Karolos Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Karolos_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Karolos Glintstone Crown Increases the Intelligence attribute by +3. Reduces Stamina by ~9%.

The Karolos Glintstone Crown can be found by defeating a crab in the northwest of the academy’s courtyard. Teleport to the Debate Parlor Grace and head north into the courtyard. In the courtyard, climb up the slope to the west, head north, and defeat the Glintstone Sorcerers who will bombard you with magic. At the top, where the sorcerers were, turn to the west, and jump over the balcony to the stairs below. As you land, defeat the sorcerer behind you, and continue up the stairs where you’ll find another. Defeat them, head around the corner to the south, and jump over the balcony to the roof below. From here, drop to the grassy area below, to the north, where you’ll find a crystal crab hiding among the shrubbery. Defeat the crab to obtain the Karalos Glintstone Crown.

(1 of 5) Teleport to the Debate Parlor grace and enter the courtyard.

Lazuli Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Lazuli_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Lazuli Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence and Dexterity by +3. Reduces Health by ~18%.

For the Lazuli Glintstone Crown, it can also be found in Raya Lucaria Academy, but this time, you’ll need to make a dangerous jump that could lead to your death. You should get the Twinsage Glintstone Crown at the same time, as they are near each other. Teleport to the Debate Parlor Grace and head north to reach the courtyard. Head west and climb up the dilapidated stairs while defeating the sorcerers. At the top, jump over the balcony to the west, head up the stairs, defeat another sorcerer, turn left, and jump over the following balcony onto the roof. Follow the rooftops right and forward until you reach a tower to your right with a ladder on it. Climb the ladder and at the top, you’ll only be able to go forward. Continue on but be careful of the cuckoos that will ambush you when you reach the sorcerer. Either run or defeat them and hang a right around the thin ledge when you reach the next tower, and drop to the roof below.

(1 of 5) Teleport to the Debate Parlor Grace in Raya Lucaria. The red circle is where you’ll find the crown.

Drop again to the next roof to the right and follow it northwest until you reach a large gap. Remember that dangerous jump that could lead to your death mentioned earlier? Well, this is it. You want to jump across to the roof to the northwest, but this is a difficult jump to make. We recommend you unequip your gear so that your equip load is light, as it will make the jump significantly easier. Take a run-up, and jump as you reach the edge of the roof; if you’re lucky, you’ll make it, if not, you’ll have to come back and try again. Note that this can be done with medium equip load, but your jump will need to be perfect.

(1 of 3) Then drop to the roof below.

Once you’ve made the jump, jump over to the adjacent roof to the northwest and then follow the rooftops north until you reach the next tower, which will have an opening. You will be ambushed by more cuckoos again when you reach the roof just before the tower, so be careful. In the tower, you’ll notice a hole in the wooden floor. Head as far north as you can go, turn right, and drop onto the platform below. Do this one more time, and you’ll find the crystal crab sitting on the platform. Defeat it to obtain the Lazuli Glintstone Crown.

(1 of 3) On the next roof, defeat the enemies, jump over to the next roof, and then follow the rooftops to the tower.

Twinsage Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Twinsage_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Twinsage Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence by +6. Reduces Health and Stamina by ~9%.

The Twinsage Glintstone Crown is near the Lazuli Crown. Follow the above directions to where you picked up the crown above. Now drop down the wooden platforms until you reach the bottom. Exit the tower and head around the corner to your left, where you’ll find a ladder to climb. At the top, turn your camera to the north, and jump onto the rooftop. Walk around the eastern side of the rooftop while looking over the edge, and you’ll see some scaffolding you can drop to. Do so until you reach the floor, and then walk south around the scaffolding to find a crystal crab containing the Twinsage Glintstone Crown.

(1 of 4) The Twinsage Glintstone Crown can be found near the Lazuli Crown.

Lusat’s Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Ash_of_War_Scarab_Armor_Helmets_Elden_Ring.png Lusat’s Glintstone Crown Increases the damage of Lusat’s primeval current sorceries by 10-15%. Also increases the FP cost of Sorceries by ~15%.

To obtain Lusat’s Glintstone Crown, you’ll need to complete the Sorceress Sellen questline. Follow our in-depth Sorceress Sellen Guide to find out how to achieve this. Once the quest is complete, teleport to Sellia Hideaway and follow the tunnel southwest until you reach the open room full of large purple crystals. Make your way down to the area below, using the crystals to achieve this. At the bottom, defeat the Revenant, and then head up the northern tunnel where you’ll find Lusat’s corpse with their set including the crown.

(1 of 6) Teleport to Sellia Hideaway and follow the tunnel.

Hierodas Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Heirodas_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Hierodas Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence and Endurance by +2. Reduces FP by 10%.

Teleport to the Craftsman’s shack grace in Mt. Gelmir and head northeast into the Hermit’s Village. At the entrance, immediately turn to the southeast and hug the nearby house. The Hierodas Glintstone Crown will be on the corpse at the southern side of the house (outside). Note that if you haven’t been here yet, you can only get here by heading toward Fort Laidd and traveling east from there.

(1 of 4) From the Craftsman’s Shack grace, head northeast to Hermit Village.

Azur’s Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Azurs_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Azur’s Glintstone Crown Increases some Glintstone Sorceries by ~10-15% including the sorcery, Comet Azur. Increases the FP cost of all sorceries by ~15%.

To obtain Azur’s Glintstone Crown, you’ll need to complete the Sorceress Sellen questline but choosing to side with her. Follow our in-depth Sorceress Sellen Guide to find out how to achieve this. Once you’ve completed the quest. Head back to Primeval Sorcerer Azur’s location at the back of Hermit’s Village (he has a site of grace you can teleport to). He’ll have over his entire set, including the crown.

(1 of 2) Azur has a grace that you can teleport to. It’s near the Hermit’s Village.

Azur has a grace that you can teleport to. It’s near the Hermit’s Village. (left), If you sided with Sellen, Azur will appear here, and give you the Crown. As you can see, we didn’t. (right)

Witch’s Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Witchs_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Witch’s Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence and Arcane by +3. Reduces Stamina by 18%.

Another Glintstone Crown tied to the Sorceress Sellen quest. For you to get this crown, you’ll need to finish the quest. If you took her side, the crown would be on the floor in the Raya Lucaria Academy Library. However, if you took Witch-Hunter Jerren’s side, the crown would drop from Sellen after defeating her. Follow our in-depth Sorceress Sellen Guide to find out how to achieve this. Note that you can still get this by siding with Jerren, but you will miss out on some other loot.

Return to Sellen after defeating Jerren, refresh the area, and speak with her to obtain the Witch’s Glintstone Crown

Haima Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Haima_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Haima Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence and Strength by 2. Reduces FP by 10%.

This crown can be found east of the West Windmill Pasture in the northern part of the Altus Plateau. Teleport to the Road of Iniquity Side Path grace, get on your steed, and follow the bridge south to find an updraft in the area below. Drop onto said updraft and ride it up to the bridge. From there, follow the path north, and you’ll find a Battlemage on the cliff to your left, overlooking the lake of zombies below. Defeat the Battlemage to obtain the Battlemage set along with the Haima Glintstone Crown.

(1 of 3) Teleport to the Road of Iniquity Side Path grace in Altus Plateau.

Olivinus Glintstone Crown Location

Icon Name Stats
Olivinus_Glinstone_Crowns_Icon_Armor_Elden_Ring.png Olivinus Glintstone Crown Increases Intelligence by +3. Reduces Health by 10%.

You can find this crown on a corpse on a ledge near the Schoolhouse Classroom Grace in Raya Lucaria Academy. Teleport to the grace and head south into the next room. Defeat the enemy and go into the adjacent room to the east. Now, attack the door at the back of the room by the corpse to unveil a hidden area that will give you access to a balcony. On the balcony, turn north, and jump over the railing onto the path below. Follow this path around the edge until you reach a small area with some bushes. Jump up the boulders to the northwest and follow the narrow path around, where you’ll find a corpse on the edge. Loot the corpse for the Olivinus Glinstone Crown.

(1 of 5) Teleport to the Schoolhouse Classroom grace in Raya Lucaria Academy.

That’s it for the Glintstone Crowns. Some of these depend on what choices you make during Sellen’s questline, which may limit which one you can get. Another nice thing about these crowns is they can glow brightly if you use the Erudition Gesture while it’s equipped, although the Azur, Lusat, Heirodas, and Haima Glinstone Crowns don’t have this feature.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
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