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Elden Ring

All NPCs in Liurnia of the Lakes

Matt Chard
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will show you all the NPCs and merchants in the Liurnia of the Lakes region.

All NPC Locations in Liurnia of the Lakes, Elden Ring

NPC General Location
Hyetta Next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace.
Boc the Seamster At the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace.
Albus Village of the Albinaurics (West Liurnia of the Lakes).
Thops Church of Irith.
Raya Pavillion east of the Scenic Isle site of grace.
Patches At the Scenic Isle site of grace.
White-Faced Varré Rose Church, north of the Folly on the Lake site of grace.
Nepheli Loux Village of the Albinaurics (West Liurnia of the Lakes).
Nomadic Merchant West Liurnia of the Lakes
Palm Reader Academy Gate Town
Miriel Pastor of Vows Church of Vows site of grace.
Smithing Master Iji Road to the Manor site of grace, just past Kingsrealm.
Pidia, Carian Servant Caria Manor. Above Manor Lower Level site of grace.
Preceptor Seluvis Seluvis’s Rise, southeast of Ranni’s Rise, Three Sisters sub-area.
Sorceress Sellen Northeast of Ranni’s Rise, Three Sisters sub-area.
Ranni the Witch At Ranni’s Rise, Three Sisters sub-area.
Blaidd (Spectral Form) At Ranni’s Rise, first floor, Three Sisters sub-area.
Nomadic Merchant North Liurnia of the Lakes Northeast of Bellum Church.


Hyetta will be one of the first NPCs you’ll meet in Liurnia of the Lakes. As you exit the castle from Godrick’s boss room towards Liurnia, Hyetta will be over to the northwest, right next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace which can be found west of Stormveil castle. She is a blind lady who claims to be in search of the distant light, and by giving her a Shabiri Grape, it’ll help her find it. If you trade the first grape to her, you’ll get an “As you Wish” emote.

After you give her the first Sabiri Grape, she’ll start making her way north in Liurnia as if she’s on a journey. The second time will be at the Purification Ruins which can be found slightly northwest of the Liurnia Highway South site of grace, and the third time will be right next to the Gate Town Bridge site of grace. The last time you’ll see her is north of the Bellum Church site of Grace.

Boc The Seamaster

Boc will appear at the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace, which can be found west of Stormveil castle. He’ll only appear here if you have been following his quest line, which can be found here. When you talk to him, he’ll ask to be your personal seamaster.


Albus is an Albinauric who is hiding from whatever befell his village, the Village of the Albinaurics. You can find the village on the raised plateau on the southwestern edge of Liurnia. It is directly west from Laskyar Ruins. When you get to the village, Albus can be tough to spot as he has disguied himself as a pot. He can be found at the western side of the village, just past the Perfumer enemy.

Although it may not seem like at first, he is an important NPC. After you reveal his true form, and talk to him twice, you can obtain the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right). When you combine that with the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) found in the Mountaintops of the Giants, you’ll gain access to a secret area in the northern lands.


Thops is a failed student of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. You can find him sitting down on a bench inside the ruins of the Church of Irith. To find the Church, follow the path to the west until you find the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace. Head down the hill to the southwest and the Chuch will be to your south.


Raya is a young woman who claims to have had her necklace stolen. She can be found under the pavillion north of Laskyar Ruins, or east of the Scenic Isle site of grace, which is situated at the southern part of the lake. She’ll start a quest that asks you to retrieve the stolen necklace back for her.


Another region, another pleasant conversation with Patches. You can find him right next to the Scenic Isle site of grace, which is situated at the southern part of the lake, north of Laskyar Ruins. He’ll be crouching by the campfire. If you talk to him, he’ll tell you a tale about the surviving Iron Virgin at the bottom of the big waterwheel in the Academy of Raya Lacaria. You can follow his quest line, here.

White-Faced Varré

You can find Varré at the Rose Church, which can be found west of Academy Gate Town or north of the Folly on the Lake site of grace. Once you’re at the Rose Church, Varré will be standing at the northeastern exit. He’ll only be here if you exhausted all of his dialogue in Limgrave. You can follow his quest line here.

Nepheli Loux

Nepheli can be found under a stone bridge at the entrance to the Village of the Albinaurics situated in the southwest part of the region, southeast of the Converted Tower site of grace. She’ll only be here if you exhausted her dialogue at Roundtable Hold after defeating Godrick.

Nomadic Merchant West Liurnia of the Lakes

The Nomadic Merchant can be found sitting at a campfire at the Liurnia Lake Shore site of grace. To get there, follow the western road from the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace. If you find an outpost, you’ve gone too far and need to backtrack a little.

Nomadic Merchant West Liurnia of the Lakes Shop.

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Arrow Runes1_Elden_Ring.png20 Lantern Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1800 1
Bolt Runes1_Elden_Ring.png40 Nomadic Cookbook [11] Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
Estoc Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 1 Astrologer’s Staff Runes1_Elden_Ring.png800 1
Kite Shield Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1 Astrologer Hood Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1
Astrologer Robe Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1 Astrologer Gloves Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1
Astrologer Trousers Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000 1

Palm Reader

The Palm Reader can be found at the main part of the Academy Gate Town. To find her, head to the entrance of the main town, which is to the west of the Academy Gate Town site of grace. Ride past the guards, and their fortifications (they’ll stop following you), and turn south at the top of the stairs. Follow this direction all the way until you can see a broken bridge on your east. At the end of the bridge you’ll see the Palm Reader.

Miriel Pastor of Vows

Miriel is the Church of Vows steward. You’ll find him naturally at the Chruch of Vows which is situated on the eastern side of Liurnia, west of the Ainsel River Well. This miraculous creature lets you study both Sorceries and Incantations, as well as some much-needed lore of the game.

Miriel Pastor’s Shop

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Glintstone Cometshard Runes1_Elden_Ring.png12000 1 Star Shower Runes1_Elden_Ring.png10000 1
Magic Glintblade Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 1 Glintblade Phalanx Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
Carian Slicer Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2500 1 Carian Greatsword Runes1_Elden_Ring.png10000 1
Lord’s Heal Runes1_Elden_Ring.png8000 1 Lord’s Aid Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2500 1
Blessing’s Boon Runes1_Elden_Ring.png4000 1 O, Flame! Runes1_Elden_Ring.png6000 1
Surge, O Flame! Runes1_Elden_Ring.png5500 1

Smithing Master Iji

Smithing Master Iji can be seen sitting, reading a book, right next to the Road to the Manor site of grace. This grace is north of Kingsrealm Ruins, northwest part of Liurnia. If you talk to him a couple of times, you’ll be able to strengthen your arnaments as well as take a loot at his shop.

Smithing Master Iji Shop.

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Somber Smithing Stone 1 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png20 Somber Smithing Stone 2 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1800
Somber Smithing Stone 3 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png20 3 Somber Smithing Stone 4 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1800 3
Carian Filigreed Crest (Talisman) Runes1_Elden_Ring.png6000 1

After talking to him a few times, you’ll have an option to tell him that “Blaidd sent me”, providing that you’ve been doing Blaidd’s quest line which can be followed here. If you have been, you’ll get access to another item to purchase in the shop, and this is the Carian Filigreed Crest Talisman for 6000 Runes.

After going to the Three Sisters sub-area, you’ll be able to speak with his spectral form as part of Ranni’s quest. You’ll find him on the first floor of Ranni’s Rise, by the lift.

Pidia, Carian Servant

Pidia Carian Servant is at Caria Manor above the Manor Lower Level site of grace. Unfortunately, you can’t reach him from there, and you’ll have to drop the southwestern cliff from the Three Sisters boss room to get there.

Pidia is a merchant that has goods to sell.

Pidia Carian Servent Shop.

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Budding Horn Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 2 Old Fang Runes1_Elden_Ring.png800 3
Slumbering Egg Runes1_Elden_Ring.png600 2 Ritual Pot Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
Celestial Dew Runes1_Elden_Ring.png5000 1 Larval Tear Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 7 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2500 1 Ash of War: Carian Retaliation Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3000 1
Ripple Blade Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3500 1 Black Leather Shield Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2500 1

Preceptor Seluvis

Seluvis is a stuck up Sorcerer who’s in service to Ranni the Witch. At first, you’ll only be able to speak to him in his spectral form at Ranni’s Rise in the Three Sisters sub-area. This is in the far northwestern corner of Liurnia of the Lakes. After speaking to Ranni, at Ranni’s Rise, you’ll be able to speak to him again, but this time in his corporeal form at Seluvis’s Rise, which is just to the south of Ranni’s Rise.

Seluvis also plays a part in a few of the other NPC quest lines, so you’ll want to exhaust all his conversation options.

Seluvis’s Shop

Seluvis also has a shop where you can purchase a few Sorceries.

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Carian Phalanx Runes1_Elden_Ring.png12000 1 Carian Retaliation Runes1_Elden_Ring.png9000 1
Glintstone Icecrag Runes1_Elden_Ring.png7500 1 Freezing Mist Runes1_Elden_Ring.png6000 1

Sorceress Sellen

Like most regions, you’ll be able to find Sellen again. She can be found standing behind two illusory walls in a room inbetween Renna’s Rise and Ranni’s Rise past the Caria Manor, but you won’t be able to talk to her. There will be a body to interact with in the basement.

Ranni the Witch

Ranni is the mysterious witch that you spoke to earlier in the game in the Church of Elleh that went by the name of Renna. You can find her at the top of Ranni’s Rise, which is in the Three Sister sub-area just west past the Caria Manor. When you speak to her, she’ll give you a quest to find the hidden treasures of Nokron.

This requires you to speak to three people who’re under her service. This is Blaidd, War Counselor Iji, and Seluvis. You’ll be able to speak to them on the first floor of Ranni’s Rise in spectal form.

Blaidd (Spectral Form)

Blaidd’s spectral form appears on the first floor of Ranni’s Rise which is in the Three Sister sub-area just west past the Caria Manor. You’ll have to progress Blaidd’s quest line for him to appear, which you can find here.

Nomadic Merchant North Liurnia of the Lakes

You can find this Nomadic Merchant just past the hole in Bellum Church, which is situated northeast of the lake, east of the Church of Inhibition. He has access to general goods.

Nomadic Merchant North Liurnia of the Lakes Shop

Item Cost Qty Item Cost Qty
Rune Arc Runes1_Elden_Ring.png4000 3 Immunizing Cured Meat Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2000 3
Invigorating White Cured Meat Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2000 3 Clarifying White Cured Meat Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2000 3
Bewitching Branch Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1600 5 Runes1_Elden_Ring.png2000 1
Composite Bow Runes1_Elden_Ring.png3500 1 Arrow Runes1_Elden_Ring.png20
Bolt Runes1_Elden_Ring.png40 Rift Shield Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1800 1
Blue Crest Heater Shield Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500 1
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
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