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Elden Ring

How to Find Dung Eater and Complete His Quest

Ben Chard
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will detail where you can find Dung Eater and complete his Questline.

Dung Eater will first show up in the Roundtable Hold.

First Meeting - Roundtable Hold

Once you reach the Altus Plateau, return to the Roundtable Hold and you’ll find the door near the Twin Maiden Husks is now open and inside, a vile man sits on the ground. Approach him and speak to him to learn his thoughts on curses and defilements before he declares that he’ll no longer speak to you.

(1 of 3) Dung Eater will show up in the Roundtable Hold after reaching the Altus Plateau for the first time

To progress his Quest, you’ll need to track down the first Seedbed Curse and the earliest one you can obtain is in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Head to the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace and head along the linear path, taking the lift down at the end. Proceed into the next room and you’ll spot a ladder on your right, climb it and follow the stairs to the top of the building to find the first Seedbed Curse on a corpse in a chair. With this in hand, return to him at the Roundtable Hold and show it to him, he’ll urge you to visit his corporeal flesh trapped in the Leyndell, Royal Capital Sewers, handing over the Sewer-Gaol Key in the process.

Second Meeting - Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

With the key in hand, you’ll now have to venture down into the sewers of Leyndell, Royal Capital. The Subterranean Shunning-Grounds can be accessed from the Avenue Balcony site of grace and heading down the northwestern stairs in front of it. Go through the door into the open area, and head west to hug the railing until you can see roofs to jump on to on your left.

Jump down to them and drop off to the right and turn around on yourself and north where you’ll see a well behind a dilapidated wall. Take the ladder down into the well and pick up the Rune Arc from the corpse at the end of the corridor, then head back and open the gate. With the gate open, head into the next area and take the next ladder down and follow the damp corridors northeast until you see the text pop-up for the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.

(1 of 2) Head to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and use the key

Head to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and use the key (left), then tell Dung Eater to leave the gaol. (right)

Once you reach the Site of Grace there, head out of the room and follow the dim hall northeast whilst running past the first Omen and keep heading northeast until you reach the second Omen. To your left will be an open grate that you can drop into which is just before the giant gate in front of you. Drop into the grate, and you’ll be in a damp rat-infested tunnel with two directions to take. Opt for the northwestern path and about halfway up, a rat will be hiding amongst the crates to your left with another three just in front of it. Defeat them and loot the corpse at the end and run past the three large Miranda Flowers to the southwest and climb the ladder at the end.

When you reach the top, go around the corner and be wary of the small hand enemies and their larger counterpart just before Dung Eaters cell. Once you defeat these, they won’t respawn, and you’ll be back here a few times so take them out now to avoid them hassling you later. Use the key and speak to Dung Eater to tell him to leave the gaol.

Third Meeting - Capital Outskirts

Return to the Roundtable Hold and you’ll discover that the Dung Eater is no longer there and a message has been left for you. Before you head to the moat, you’ll want to ensure that you’ve progressed Blackguard’s Quest to its final steps and return to where he is in the Capital Outskirts.

(1 of 6) Return to Roundtable Hold to find a message from Dung Eater

Head to him and you’ll find a wounded Blackguard who begs for his death, oblige and you’ll be able to obtain a second Seedbed Curse, Blackguard’s Bell Bearing, Iron Ball, and Blackguard’s Iron Mask. You’ll then be invaded by the Dung Eater here, defeat him and you’ll obtain the Sword of Milos and progress this Quest. Return to the Roundtable Hold and you’ll find Dung Eater here again, he’ll ask that you feed his corporeal flesh in the sewers more Seedbed Curses.

All Seedbed Curse Locations

To complete Dung Eater’s Quest, you’ll need a total of five (from the six available) Seedbed Curses, you can discover below where you can find them.

Area Location
Leyndell, Royal Capital #1 Take the lift near East Capital Rampart Site of Grace then climb the ladder in the next room and take the stairs to the top.
Leyndell, Royal Capital #2 Go to the Fortified Manor Site of Grace and head to the same room that Dung Eater inhabits in the real Roundtable Hold.
Altus Plateau On Blackguard’s body in the Capital Outskirts moat as part of Dung Eater’s previous Quest step (provided you completed Blackguard’s Quest)
Volcano Manor Go beyond the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace and look for the Stonesword Key room. Head inside and drop down the cages to reach the ground, on a corpse in a chair.
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree Use the Prayer Room Site of Grace, follow the path until you reach two Knights with crossbows. Defeat them and jump on to the arch and then over to the platform on the left. Ignore the room to the left with the Cleanrot Knight and jump to the arch to the northwest and follow it to reach the Curse on a corpse.
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree Start at the Prayer Room grace again and this time keep going down every staircase you come across. Drop down here and head towards the room where you’ll find two Cleanrot Knights but avoid entering and instead jump over the railing to the right and drop down. Turn around here and enter the dark room under the railing and you will find a corpse with the Curse.

Final Meeting - Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Once you have four more Seedbed Curses on you (to save yourself multiple trips), return to where Dung Eater’s gaol in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and you’ll find him strapped to a chair. You’ll be able to feed him the Seedbed Curses and upon the fifth one, he’ll die, allowing you to loot the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse, this is needed to trigger the Blessing of Despair Ending. Quit your game and reload your save following this and you’ll be able to loot the Omen Set.

(1 of 3) You must now feed him a further four Seedbed Curses

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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