Information and walkthrough for the Siofra River Well location in Elden Ring, including information about how to reach the Siofra River and find the Oracle Bubbles sorcery.
The entrance to Siofra River Well.
How to Find the Siofra River Well¶
The Siofra River Well can be found by following the road south, then southwest from the Third Church of Marika. As you enter the Mistwood, keep your eyes to the left (east) and look out for the Minor Erdtree. “Minor” in this case is somewhat subjective, as the massive golden tree makes an obvious landmark. You can even see this Minor Erdtree on the map before you discover it (the actual Minor Erdtree marker is somewhat to the southeast of the doodle representing it on the map) - the domed building housing the Siofra River Well can be found northeast of this Minor Erdtree.
Best Loot in the Siofra River Well¶
Item | Location |
Oracle Bubbles | Climb along the edge of the ruins, drop down a pit and land on a rock, then kill a scarab. |
Enemies in the Siofra River Well¶
Enemies | Runes | Drops | Notes |
Clayman | ![]() |
Clayman’s Harpoon | - |
(1 of 2) The ruins in the Siofra River Well are infested with Claymen, whose numbers and durability make up for their lethargy.
The ruins in the Siofra River Well are infested with Claymen, whose numbers and durability make up for their lethargy. (left), Climb atop the ruins to reach a balcony. (right)
How to Complete the Siofra River Well¶
Inside the Siofra River Well building you’ll find little other than a lift leading deep underground. There’s nothing of particular interest above ground, so ride the lift down and you’ll reach the Siofra River Well Depths. When you arrive, grab the Siofra River Well Depths Site of Grace to the right and note that if you check your map you’ll find that you’re in a massive underground area, complete with its own (currently obscured) map… assuming this is your first visit, anyways. The Siofra River Well will ultimately take you to the larger Siofra River, but to get there you’ll need to make your way from the Siofra River Well Depths Site of Grace to the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace.
Make your way north, northeast until you find a river you can follow uphill to the left or some ruins you can explore to the right. Either way you’ll encounter this location’s inhabitants - Clayman enemies. These come armed with either spears or spells, with the former being far more common than the latter, and while they’re generally lethargic (aside from the odd burst of speed typical in Souls games), they’re fairly durable and very difficult to stagger. You’ll want to use ranged attacks or prefer hit and run tactics to whittle them down, something that can be tedious, as they often travel in groups.
How to Reach the Siofra River Bank¶
Whichever route you take, once you make your way north past the ruins you can turn east to find a waterfall, near which is a doorway leading to a lift, which in turn will take you down further in the Siofra River area - you should be able to grab the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace, but keep in mind the enemies down here are far stronger than in Limgrave, so you may not wish to explore just yet.
(1 of 2) Drop down a pit and kill a scarab,
Drop down a pit and kill a scarab, (left), to obtain the Oracle Bubbles sorcery. (right)
How to Find the Oracle Bubbles Sorcery¶
You can also find the Oracle Bubbles Sorcery - the one bit of noteworthy loot in this area - if you’re willing to do some platforming. You’ll need to make your way to the high ground southeast of the ruins (southwest of the lift down to the Siofra River Bank) where you’ll find some ruin walls you can jump on. Climb atop the ruins and work your way across to the northwest, then follow the edge of the ruins southwest and finally southeast to reach a balcony.
Two Clayman mages dwell up here, and they’re perfectly content to blast you with magic as you cross the ruins, so make a run for it to deprive them of the opportunity, and once you’re in close quarters you can cut them down. Once done, head through a massive arch to the southeast to find a pit in the floor. Drop down onto some ledges, then onto a rock upon which you’ll find a scarab. Kill it and you’ll obtain the Oracle Bubbles Sorcery.
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