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Elden Ring

How to Find Nepheli Loux and Complete Her Quest

Ben Chard
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will detail where you can find Nepheli Loux and complete her Questline.

You can find Nepheli Loux in Stormveil Castle.

First Meeting - Stormveil Castle

You will first come across the warrior Nepheli Loux while exploring Stormveil Castle and there are two ways to access the door that she’s residing in. Heading from the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace, leave the room and head along the path to where the barricades are. Deal with the Eagles, pick up the Golden Seed at the base of the tree and then enter the nearby door to find her. Alternatively, you can head south from the Secluded Cell Site of Grace, although you’ll need to deal with a Troll to reach the door, making this the quicker, but deadlier route.

(1 of 2) It is safer to head east from this Site of Grace

It is safer to head east from this Site of Grace (left), even though it is quicker to go south from this Grace. (right)

Once you reach her room, you’ll find her standing over the body of a knight. Speak to her to learn her name, and that her father sent her here to deal with Godrick. Once you’re ready, head to the fog door leading to the Godrick battle and summon her to help in the battle. There is a good chance that she may well die during the battle, but fret not, she’ll be safe when you meet her for the second time.

Second Meeting - Roundtable Hold

With Godrick defeated, when you return to the Roundtable Hold, you’ll find Nepheli standing outside Gideon Ofnir’s room who just so happens to be her adopted father. Speak with her and she’ll hand over the useful Arsenal Charm as thanks for taking down Godrick and will give you some more information about her history. Exhaust all her dialogue options here and Nepheli will inform you that she’s moving on, leaving the Roundtable Hold.

(1 of 2) Nepheli Loux can be found just outside Gideon’s room in the Roundtable Hold

Nepheli Loux can be found just outside Gideon’s room in the Roundtable Hold (left), she will hand over the Arsenal Charm here. (right)

Third Meeting - Nepheli in Village of the Albinaurics

Your next meeting with Nepheli takes place in the Village of the Albinaurics in southwest Liurnia. From the Village of the Albinaurics Site of Grace, head under the large bridge and you’ll find her kneeling down. Speak with her and exhaust her dialogue options before heading up the path behind her and across the bridge. Up ahead here is a boss, Omenkiller near the firepit but if you look carefully, you’ll find Nepheli’s gold summon sign to the left or the large rock here. Summon her and defeat the Omenkiller to complete this step of her Quest.

(1 of 3) You will find Nepheli under the bridge at the Village of the Albinaurics

Fourth Meeting - Roundtable Hold

After defeating the second Elden Lord, return to the Roundtable Hold and you’ll be able to speak to Gideon about his feelings towards Nepheli. You will then find Nepheli sat at the bottom of the stairs near Smithing Master Hewg. At this time, if you’ve been pursusing a Quest for Preceptor Seluvis and be in possession of a Potion that he intends for you to give to Nepheli. If you do this, you’ll end her Questline here (although you’ll gain her as a Spirit Ash via Seluvis), instead, take the Potion to Gideon and you’ll be able to hand it over to him to dispose of and you’ll trick Seluvis into thinking you handed it over to Nepheli.

(1 of 3) You can ask Nepheli about what happened with Gideon

Speak with Nepheli after speaking with Gideon and you can tell her that you heard the news about Gideon. She will inform you of some of the atrocities that Gideon has begun to commit and that she doesn’t know what to belive in anymore. At this point, you’ll need to head to the Chapel of Anticipation, where you begun the game at. You can access this via the Four Belfries in northwest Liurnia taking the eastern Teleport, the Imbued Key you’ll need can be found in a Chest nearby.

Once there, head through, defeat Grafted Scion (Chapel of Anticipation) and proceed to the building at the back. You’ll find a hole in the wall where you can head around and eventually loot The Stormhawk King. Despite being a Spirit Ash, it’s not one you can use as it is a Key Item. Return to Nepheli Loux at the Roundtable Hold and you’ll be able to hand this over to her, ending this step of her Quest.

Final Meeting - Stormveil Castle

Once you reach Crumbling Farum Azula, return to the Roundtable Hold and exhaust the dialogue options between Smithing Master Hewg and Roderika, you will need to rest several times at the Site of Grace to refresh the area. Next, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve completed Kenneth Haight’s Quest where he mentions he’s looking for a new ruler.

Make your way over to the Godrick, the Grafted Site of Grace and rest at it again to refresh the area (this is required) and you’ll find Nepheli and Kenneth in the throne room. Nepheli has seemingly taken up the role of the new ruler of Limgrave and will hand over an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. If you’ve managed to see Gatekeeper Gostoc’s Quest to its conclusion, you’ll find him here too and he will offer to sell you another one for 20,000 Runes.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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