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Elden Ring

How to Find Patches and Complete his Quest

Ben Chard

In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will detail where you can find Patches and complete his Questline.

Patches makes a return in Elden Ring.

First Meeting - Murkwater Cave

Everyone’s favorite trickster, Patches, makes an appearance in Elden Ring, and your first meeting with him will be unlike any from the previous games. Patches is easy enough to locate, if you look north from Lake Agheel, you’ll see a stream leading toward the Murkwater Cave. Beware however, as you head down toward that path, Bloody Finger Nerijus will invade and block the entrance to the cave. Note that you cannot use Spirits in the battle against Nerijus but you will be aided by an NPC, Yura, who will appear once the battle begins.

You can choose to flee the battle by heading back to Lake Agheel, but you will forfeit the chance of a great weapon. Once inside, be sure to use the Site of Grace and you’ll have to battle through some Bandits before you reach the boss room to the right at the intersection. You’ll need to bring his HP to half to end the battle, after which you’ll be able to speak to him. You’ll also gain the Grovel for Mercy Gesture, along with access to his wares, some of which are very useful!

(1 of 3) Make your way to Murkwater Cave

Patches Shop

Once you return to Murkwater Cave (via the warp in the room), Patches will have opened up his shop to you and it’s well worth using some hard earned Runes to purchase some of his goods, not least Margit’s Shackle which will help with a story boss soon.

Item Description Stock Runes
Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot Boosts rune acquisition for a time 3 Runes_Elden_Ring.png600
Fan Daggers Throw fanned-out knives at enemies to inflict damage 20 Runes_Elden_Ring.png160
Margit’s Shackle Briefly binds Margit, once imprisoned, to earth 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png5000
Grace Mimic Light shows the path, but without order 15 Runes_Elden_Ring.png100
Glass Shard Shard of filthy glass. Worthless rubbish Infinite Runes_Elden_Ring.png100
Furlcalling Finger Remedy Reveals co-op and hostile summoning signs 3 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1000
Festering Bloody Finger Attempts invasion of other player’s world 5 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1000
Stonesword Key Use to break one imp statue seal 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png5000
Parrying Dagger Weapon of the Dagger Type 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1600
Missionary’s Cookbook (2) Expands crafting repertoire (Scriptstone, Grace Mimic, Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot) 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png800
Great Arrow Ammunition for Greatbows 10 Runes_Elden_Ring.png300
Ballista Bolt Ammunition for Hand Ballistas 5 Runes_Elden_Ring.png300
Horse Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png1000
Sacrificial Twig Will be lost on death in place of runes 1 Runes_Elden_Ring.png5000

There is a wealth of useful items in his shop, especially Margit’s Shackle!

Second Meeting - Murkwater Cave

You can complete the next step of Patches Quest right after you have access to his shop. You may have noticed that tempting Chest nearby and for those of you familiar with Patches, you’ll know that it’s too good to be true. Patches will warn you when you ask him about it, but ignore that and examine the Chest to be hit with a transporter trap that will whisk you off to Mistwood, in the middle of some rather large bears.

You won’t be able to fast travel via the map for now, instead you’ll need to track down a Site of Grace and use it to remove the status effect and make your way back to Patches in Murkwater Cave. He’ll remark about the whole ordeal, but will continue to sell you his wares all the same. Patches will remain in Murkwater Cave until you defeat Margit, the Fell Omen, after which he remarks he’s moving on but that is accomplices will continue to run the shop.

(1 of 2) Open the chest near Patches to be hit with a transporter trap

Open the chest near Patches to be hit with a transporter trap (left), this whisks you off to Mistwood! (right)

Third Meeting - Scenic Isle

You’ll next come upon Patches on a secluded island in the middle of the lake in Liurnia, named Scenic Isle, you can reach this island by heading south from the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace. Once you reach this island, speak with Patches again to learn he has setup shop once more. More importantly, exhaust all of his dialogue to learn a little more about your surroundings, especially secrets that pertain to Raya Lucaria Academy. Patches will remain here until you leave Liurnia.

(1 of 3) Make your way to Scenic Isle in the Liurnia lake

Fourth Meeting - Volcano Manor

Once you reach Volcano Manor, you’ll find Patches just through the entrance in his usual pose. After agreeing to join Volcano Manor from Lady Tanith and completing the first assassination contract, speak to Patches and he’ll hand you the Letter to Patches that details an assassination target. You’ll need to head to the boss room in Ruin-Strewn Precipice Overlook and you’ll find an invasion sign on the ground. Inside, you’ll need to deal with Great Horned Tragoth and for defeating him, you’ll obtain the Bull-Goat Set.

(1 of 3) Patches will hand over a contract after finishing your first assassination contract for Tanith

Return to Patches to give him the news, then rest at the nearby Site of Grace and return to him once more, he’ll hand over the Magma Whip Candlestick as a reward for helping him. Patches will remain in Volcano Manor until after you defeat the boss of the area, after which he’ll move on to the Shaded Castle to the northeast.

Fifth Meeeting - The Shaded Castle

Head to The Shaded Castle to the northeast of Volcano Manor and proceed through it until you reach the bridge of statues leading to the boss room. If you look carefully on your left (facing the boss room), you’ll find Patches slumped up against the side. Speak with him and he’ll request that you hand over the Dancer’s Castanets to give to Tanith back at Volcano Manor. Be sure to exhaust his dialogue and then leave the area to have Patches move on to his final location.

(1 of 3) The Shaded Castle is located northeast of Volcano Manor

Final Meeting - Murkwater Cave

The quest comes full-circle as Patches will finally return to where you first met him, at Murkwater Cave in Limgrave. Make your return and after defeating the first two regular bandits, head to the right to see a boss door once more. Head inside, open the chest begging to be looted and Patches will leap down to challenge you again. This is not a real battle however, you must let him strike you a few times (you can block this) and he’ll quickly recognize you, begging for his life. Opt to spare him and the battle will end and he’ll teach you the Patches’ Crouch Gesture and reopen his shop.

(1 of 2) Patches will return to Murkwater Cave and challenge you to a battle that you should refuse to participate in

Patches will return to Murkwater Cave and challenge you to a battle that you should refuse to participate in (left), doing so will teach you his gesture and end his Quest. (right)

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After he disappears from the cave u can find him on Scenic Isle and he will give you a tip about the iron maiden at the bottom of raya lucaria well and an NPC that needs help

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You find him one more time to my knowledge!

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Oh great, good to hear confirmation. We'll add the information as soon as we've managed to very the details around it!

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After he disappears from the cave u can find him on Scenic Isle and he will give you a tip about the iron maiden at the bottom of raya lucaria well and an NPC that needs help

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You find him one more time to my knowledge!

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Oh great, good to hear confirmation. We'll add the information as soon as we've managed to very the details around it!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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