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Elden Ring

All Weapons in Caelid

Matt Chard
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of weapons that can either be found or received as a drop from a boss or enemy. This page will show you all the weapons in the Caelid region.

All Weapon Locations in Caelid, Elden Ring

Sword of St Trina

This silver sword carried by the clerics of St. Trina is a Straight Sword that scales primarily with STR, DEX, and INT. It can be obtained from a chest behind an imp sealed cellar in the Forsaken Ruins. From the Rotview Balcony site of grace, drop to the ruins in the east which are guarded by the giant birds and you can find the sealed cellar underneath the first bird. It comes equipped with the unique Weapon Skill: Mists of Slumber. Which releases a faint purple mist that spreads across a wide frontwards area. This mist inflicts the sleep ailment upon foes. Causes Sleep Buildup: (66).


This iron lump of an ultra greatsword that scales primarily with STR and, to a lesser extent, DEX. It can be found at the back of a stationary carriage in the northern area of Caelem Ruins in Caelid. If you teleport to the Caelem Ruins site of grace and head north a little, you’ll see the carriage. This area is brimming with large beast dogs and can be tough to fight if you’re entering Caelid for the first time. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut) although it can be changed.


This glintstone forged Katana scales primarily with INT and DEX. It can be obtained by defeating the Magma Wyrm in the Gael Tunnel dungeon, south of the Rotview Balcony site of grace. It comes equipped with the unique Weapon Skill: Transient Moonlight. This’ll sheathe the weapon, and when the light attack is used, it’ll do a horizontal short-range wave of magic whilst using the strong attack will do a vertical medium-range wave. Both attacks are quick and deal high damage. The only slight negative of the Katana is the FP cost isn’t cheap at 15 FP for the horizontal attack, and 20 FP for the vertical. This weapon also causes Blood Loss Buildup (50).


This three-pronged blade affixed to a long pole is a Spear, scales primarily with DEX and STR. It is found on a corpse inside the cavern with a Giant Octopus hanging overhead in the Gael Tunnel dungeon. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Impaling Thrust, although it can be changed. This weapon also causes Blood Loss Buildup (50).


This short sword with a tempering pattern on the blade is a Dagger that scales primarily with DEX and STR. It can be found on a corpse inside one of the locked cells in Gaol Cave. It can’t be accessed until you use the lever that unlocks all the cells, which releases groups of exploding fire skeletons from their cells as well. Furthermore, it comes equipped with the Ash of War: Quickstep, although it can be changed. This weapon also causes Blood Loss Buildup (38).


Although it has an imported dagger design with a rather unique handle, it is classed as a Fist weapon that scales primarily with DEX and STR. It can be found in a chest inside a dark room above the Lion Guardian in Fort Gael North. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Impaling Thrust, although it can be changed.

Regalia of Eochaid

This treasured sword of Eochaid is a Straight Sword that scales primarily with DEX and ARC. It can be obtained by searching the gravestones at the exit of Gaol Cave. It can also be accessed by climbing the cliffs on the beach near the Third Church of Marika. Furthermore, it comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Eochaid’s Dancing Blade. This skill infuses the sword with energy, allowing manipulation of the weapon to hurl at enemies in a corkscrew attack, similar to the Bell Bearing bosses.

Meteoric Ore Blade

This meteoric ore forged Katana scales primarily with INT, STR, and DEX. It can be found inside a chest in the underground cellar of Caelid Waypoint Ruins, southwest from the Astray from Caelid Highway North site of grace. It is guarded by Prawn enemies that wait at the top of the stairs. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Gravitas. Plunging the sword into the ground, which creates a gravity well that pulls enemies in and deals damage to them.

Death’s Poker

This barbed rod is often carried by Deathbirds. Classes as a Greatsword, it scales primarily with STR, DEX, and INT. It can be obtained by defeating the Death Rite bird that spawns southeast of the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank site of grace at night. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Ghostflame Ignition. Furthermore, it is a two-part skill that thrusts out the barbed rod, setting its tip alight with ghostflame. The light attack will cause it to set the ground ablaze with ghostflame whilst the strong attack will trigger a massive explosion.

Meteorite Staff

This staff embedded with a dark purple glintstone is a Glintstone Staff that scales primarily with INT. It’s an absurdly powerful S scaling staff that has low INT requirements of just 18. It can be found on a corpse hanging on a ledge in the Street of Sages Ruins in the swamp north of the Aeonia Swamp Shore site of grace. It doesn’t come equipped with an Ash of War, and can’t be infused with one either.

Commander’s Standard

This beaten red battle standard is furled around this time-worn Halberd that scales primarily with STR and DEX. It can be obtained by the defeating the boss Commander O’Neil, who also drops the Unalloyed Gold Needle which is needed for Gowry’s quest. You can find the boss west of Gowry’s Shack in the swamp. The Heart of Aeonia site of grace is just outside the arena. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Rallying Standard that buffs the player and allies defense and attack by 20% for 30 seconds at the cost of 30 FP.

Staff of Loss

This staff is missing its Glintstone that is usually embedded, and scales primarily with INT. It can be found on a corpse leaning over one of the buildings’ balcony in Sellia, Town of Sorcery. It can be reached by jumping onto the large branch from the area that the Golden Seed is located. Furthermore, it doesn’t come equipped with an Ash of War, and can’t be infused with one either.

Lusat’s Glintstone Staff

This is the Glintstone Staff of the primeval glintstone sorcerer Lusat. It scales primarily with INT. It can be found in a chest at the back of the chamber where the boss Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest reside in Sellia, Town of Sorcery behind a sealed door. Furthermore, it doesn’t come equipped with an Ash of War, and can’t be infused with one either.

Nox Flowing Sword

This grim weapon was wielded by a swordsman of the Eternal City. It’s classed as a Curved Sword. It scales primarily with DEX and STR. You can obtain the weapon by defeating the Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest in Sellia, Town of Sorcery, behind a sealed door. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Flowing Form that allows the user to temporarily transform the sword into a whip and perform a sweeping slice that covers a wide area.

Serpent Bow

This malformed Bow in the shape of a pair of snakes scales, primarily with DEX and ARC. It can be found in a pool of rot inside the Abandoned Cave dungeon, southwest of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel landmark. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Mighty Shot that powers the shot to penetrate an enemies guard.

Venomous Fang

This black fang protruding from the bronze snake head is coated in deadly poison. It is classed as a Claw Weapon and scales primarily with STR and DEX. Found on a ledge above the Iron Maidens inside the Abandoned Cave. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Quickstep, butt can be infused with other Ashes of War. Causes Poison Buildup: (72).

Godslayer’s Greatsword

This sacred sword of the Dusk-Eyed Queen is a Colossal Sword that scales primarily with STR, DEX, and FTH. It can be found in a chest inside the Godskin Apostle’s boss arena in the Divine Tower of Caelid northeast of the Dragonbarrow West site of grace. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: The Queen’s Black Flame. Set the blade ablaze with the god-slaying black flame before delivering a sweeping slash. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack. The black flames will continue to wear down HP for a while.

Crystal Spear

This Spear fashioned from pure crystal scales primarily with DEX and INT. It can be found in a chest that is behind a hidden wall to the left of the boss arena in the Sellia Hideaway dungeon, which is southwest of the Fort Faroth site of grace. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Impaling Thrust and can’t be infused with another Ash of War.

Gargoyle’s Blackblade

This bronze greatsword mended with blackened corpse wax is a Greatsword that scales primarily with FTH, DEX, and STR. It can be obtained by defeating the Valiant Gargoyle who stands outside the Bestial Sanctum in the far northeast of Caelid. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Corpse Wax Cutter. Lift the sword up high to release the power of corpse wax and launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile.

Gargoyle’s Black Halberd

This bronze halberd mended with blackened corpse wax is a Halberd that scales primarily with STR, FTH, and DEX. It can be obtained by defeating the Valiant Gargoyle who stands outside Bestial Sanctum in the far northeast of Caelid. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Spinning Slash. Which slashes foes as your body spins. The momentum can connect into a
final heavy attack.

Beastclaw Greathammer

This greathammer with striking end modelled to resemble five beastly claws is a Warhammer that scales primarily with STR, FTH, and DEX. It can be obtained by trading seven Deathroots to Gurranq in the Bestial Sanctum. Deathroots can be found in chests or defeating bosses of “Those Who Live in Death”. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Regal Beastclaw. That slams the hammer into the ground, rending the land asunder with the armament’s five bestial claws.

Clawmark Seal

This rare trinket allows incantations to be scaled with STR. It is a Sacred Seal that scales primarily with FTH and STR. It can be obtained by trading one Deathroot to Gurranq in the Bestial Sanctum. Deathroots can be found in chests or defeating bosses of “Those Who Live in Death”. Although it doesn’t come equipped with an Ash of War, it has a passive that boosts Bestial Incantations like Bestial Vitality, and Bestial Sling.


This short sword given to high ranking clergymen of Farum Azula is a Dagger that scales primarily with STR and DEX. It can be found by heading over to Bestial Sanctum, exiting the building and head over to the cliff west of it. Look below you to find a branch that you can fall on to, then drop on the second branch below, then land on the small round roof below that. When you get to the main roof with all the pillars, head on to one, and carefully drop several ledges until you reach another roof. The Dagger will be at the far left by the dead Rat corpse. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Quickstep and can’t be infused with another Ash of War. Perform a quickstep maneuver that allows for circling around lock-on targets.

Ruins Greatsword

This legendary armament honed from rubble that fell from the sky is a Colossal Sword that scales primarily with STR and INT. It can be obtained by defeating the boss duo Misbegotten Warrior + Crucible Knight at the Redmane Castle Plaza after the Lord there has been defeated. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Wave of Destruction. Raise the sword up high, then strike it against the ground to fire off a wave of gravitational force.


This weapon featuring a flame-like undulation is a Greatsword that scales primarily with DEX and STR. It can be obtained from a corpse on top of a tower in Redmane Castle, south of the Chamber Outside the Plaza site of grace. From the grace, head south past the roadblock, and enter the building at the back on your left. Inside the building, climb the ladder, where you’ll be greeted by a Pumpkin Head enemy. Defeat it, and the corpse will opposite the ladder and to the left. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut) although it can be changed. Brace armament and step into a low stance that prevents recoil from most enemy attacks. Follow up with a strong attack for an upward strike. Causes Blood loss buildup: (55).

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  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
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