This page offers a guide on how to change your stats in Elden Ring. This process is referred to as ‘Rebirth’. You’ll also need to get your hands on Larval Tears to begin the process, keep reading to learn where to find them all.
Respec with Rennala.
How to Respec in Elden Ring¶
To respec in Elden Ring, you’ll need to beat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon who is found in the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia of the Lakes. When you defeat her in battle, you’ll then be able to speak to her about ‘rebirth’. It will cost one Larval Tear, which are a rare find - check out our list of all Larval Tear locations below.
When you respec, you’ll be able to redistribute your points wherever you fancy. Your base class cannot be changed but you can change your level up points.
(1 of 2) Use up a Larval Tear
Use up a Larval Tear (left), and you’ll then be able to respec! (right)
List of all Larval Tear Locations¶
You may only collect 10 Larval Tears during a single playthrough of the base game, though there are more than 10 locations for Larval Tears in the game. You should also keep a Larval Tear to give to Boc.
Location | Description |
Limgrave - East of Agheel Lake South site of grace | Dropped by the Lesser Runebear who’s disguised as an Undead Soldier. |
Liurnia of the Lakes - Village of the Albinaurics | In the Village of the Albinaurics, which is found north from the Folly of the Lake site of grace, you’ll find a Larval Tear in the graveyard. |
Liurnia of the Lakes - between Rose Church and Boilprawn Shack | Dropped by a Grafted Scion who is disguised as a Giant Lobster. |
Liurnia of the Lakes - Caria Manor | You can purchase a Larval Tear for 3,000 Runes from Pidia, Carian Servant at Caria Manor. |
Caelid - graveyard in southern Caelid | One of the undead soldiers in this graveyard will turn into a Troll and, upon being slain, will drop a Larval Tear. |
Siofra River - near the top of the waterfall west of Worshipper’s Woods site of grace. | You can purchase a Larval Tear for 3,000 Runes from the Nomadic Merchant found atop the wooden scaffolding west of Worshipper’s Woods site of grace. |
Minor Erdtree - East of Woodfolk Ruins | In the ruins east of Woodfolk Ruins, you’ll be able to obtain a Larval Tear dropped by a Lion Guard who was initially disguised as an Undead Soldier. |
Nokron, Eternal City - through the fog gate near the Nokron, Eternal City site of grace | A Larval Tear is dropped by the Mimic Tear boss. |
Nokron, Eternal City - north from the Night’s Sacred Ground site of grace | Head north from the site of grace and then take the stairs to the right. Inside the building, you’ll find a large Iron Ball (it’s a disguised Silver Tear), which you’ll need to destroy to obtain a Larval Tear. |
Nokron Eternal City - west of Siofra River Well Depths site of grace | To the west of this site of grace, you’ll find two Larval tears. One is found by looting a dead corpse in the stone building and then the second can be looted from the dead corpse beneath the Gazebo further west. |
Nokstella, Eternal City - near the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella site of grace | Dropped by an Iron Ball (disguised Silver tear) found on the bridge nearby. |
There you have it, you now know where to find the Larval Tears that Rennala requests for her Rebirth technique, and how to put them to use. Perhaps you want to take a new path in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC?
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