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Elden Ring

All Armor and Shields in Caelid

Matt Chard
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In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of armor and shields that can either be bought, found or received as a drop from an enemy, or given as a reward for completing quests. This page will show you all the armor and shields in the Caelid region.

All Armor / Set Locations in Caelid, Elden Ring

There are 14 pieces of armor excluding merchants found around Caelid. Some of these will be sets and will be looted at the same time. Five pieces of armor can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant Caelid South.

All Armor Purchased From Vendors

  • The Nomadic Merchant Caelid South can be found sitting by a campfire at the junction that leads to Redmane Castle. The nearest site of grace is the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank, which is just northeast from the merchant.
Armor Location Runes
Greathelm Nomadic Merchant Caelid South Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1800
Champion Headband Nomadic Merchant Caelid South Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000
Champion Pauldron Nomadic Merchant Caelid South Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1500
Champion Bracers Nomadic Merchant Caelid South Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000
Champion Gaiters Nomadic Merchant Caelid South Runes1_Elden_Ring.png1000

Imp Head (Wolf)

This head covering made from the largely unaltered head of an impish golem is an individual piece and doesn’t belong to any set. It is a heavyweight armor piece with a good balance of damage negation and resistances. Furthemore it increases Endurance by 2 which increases Max Stamina. You can find this headpiece in the Minor Erdtree Catacombs dungeon, which is east from the Smouldering Church site of grace.

The quickest way to get this armor is by taking the elevator down near the beginning, then send it back up to reveal a room below the lift. Follow the rot-filled corridor to the middle of it, then take a right. Go straight, into the next room, and climb the ladder to the right. At the end of the hallway, a corpse will be leaning over a sarcophagus containing the helmet.

Traveler’s Hat

This hat is from a traveling perfumer of no renown and belongs to the Traveler’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers sufficient resistances at the cost of damage negation. You can obtain the hat by looting a corpse in the corner of a building in the Street of Sages Ruins, hidden in the swamps of Caelid northeast of the Astray from Caelid Highway North site of grace.

Perfumer’s Travelling Garb

This garb is from a traveling perfumer of no renown and belongs to the Traveler’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers sufficient resistances at the cost of damage negation. You can obtain the hat by looting a corpse in the corner of a building in the Street of Sages Ruins, hidden in the swamps of Caelid northeast of the Astray from Caelid Highway North site of grace.

Traveler’s Gloves

These gloves are from a traveling perfumer of no renown and belongs to the Traveler’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers sufficient resistances at the cost of damage negation. You can obtain the hat by looting a corpse in the corner of a building in the Street of Sages Ruins, hidden in the swamps of Caelid northeast of the Astray from Caelid Highway North site of grace.

Godskin Apostle Set

This attire was made be sewing together patches of smooth skin. It’s a lightweight set that offers sufficient resistances at the cost of damage negation. The Godskin Apostle Set consists of Godskin Apostle Robe, Godskin Apostle Bracers, and the Godskin Apostle Trousers. You can find this set by defeating the Godskin Apostle, who resides at the bottom of the Divine Tower of Caelid.

First things first, to get to the Divine Tower, travel to the Dragonbarrow West site of grace and head northeast towards the tower in the distance. Head to this page “How to get to the Bottom of the Caelid Divine Tower” to find out exactly how you get down to the bottom where the set is.

The Godskin Apostle set.

Cerulean Tear Scarab

This blue scarab that can be worn as a headpiece is an individual piece of armor and not part of a set. It offers modest damage negation and resistances, as well as slightly increasing the effect of Cerulean Tear Flasks (FP). You can obtain this headpiece from a corpse on a rooftop in the northeast section of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. You can get on this roof by double jumping on your steed underneath where the corpse is.

Lusat’s Glintstone Crown

This giant blue glintstone crown was worn by Lusat, Primeval current sorcerer and is part of the Lusat Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers minimal damage negation and modest resistances whilst boosting the damage to sorceries but increases the FP cost. It can be found in the Sellia Hideaway dungeon on Lusat’s corpse after completing Sorceress Sellen’s quest line and returning to the area.

Lusat’s Robe

This robe is reserved for grand masters at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Corroded by blue glintstones and is part of Lusat’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers minimal damage negation and modest resistances whilst boosting the damage to sorceries but increases the FP cost. It can be found in the Sellia Hideaway dungeon on Lusat’s corpse after completing Sorceress Sellen’s quest line and returning to the area.

Lusat’s Manchettes

These Manchettes are corroded by blue glintstones. Worn by Lusat, primeval current sorcerer and is part of Lusat’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers minimal damage negation and modest resistances whilst boosting the damage to sorceries but increases the FP cost. It can be found in the Sellia Hideaway dungeon on Lusat’s corpse after completing Sorceress Sellen’s quest line and returning to the area.

Old Sorcerer’s Legwraps

This ragged waistcloth that extends to the thighs is part of Lusat’s Set. It’s a lightweight set that offers minimal damage negation and modest resistances whilst boosting the damage to sorceries but increases the FP cost. It can be found in the Sellia Hideaway dungeon on Lusat’s corpse after completing Sorceress Sellen’s quest line and returning to the area.

All Shields in Caelid

There are four shields to find around the Caelid region and none to purchase.

Pillory Shield

This Pillory was made to punish serious felons, that can also be used as a shield. It’s a small shield that scales with STR and offers modest physical damage negation for its size and modest resistances that also raises VIT by 50 points. It has no Ash of War, but can be equipped with one. You can find the shield in the Gaol Cave dungeon that requires two Stonesword Keys to access it. The shield will be behind one of the locked cells that requires you to unlock them all with a lever further in the dungeon. This releases a lot of exploding fire skeletons as all the cells will open.

Visage Shield

This tricksome bronze shield is depicting the face of a Fire Giant. It’s a Greatshield that scales with STR and offers maxmimum physical damage reduction and great fire resistance, whilst still offering modest resistances to the other elements. It comes equipped with the unique Ash of War: Tongues of Fire that readies the shield, then sprays violent jets of fire from the tongues protruding from its maw. Holding will continue spraying fire. This skill can be used while walking.

You can obtain this from a chest in the Caelem Ruins cellar that is guarded by the duo Mad Pumpkin Head bosses. Caelem ruins can be found by following the road east from the Rotview Balcony site of grace.

Spiked Palisade Shield

This spiked shield was designed to perform shield bashes, these attacks riddle the enemy with holes, earning it the nickname of “pard shield”. It’s a Greatshield that scales with STR and offers modest physical damage negation and resistances whilst having the Cause blood loss buildup (70) passive. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Shield Bash, butt it can be exchanged for another.

You can obtain the shield by looting a corpse under a golem west of the Deep Siofra Well site of grace.

Rickety Shield

This creaky old wooden shield, circular in shape. Roughly reinforced with vines or some such scales with STR and offers miniscule physical damage negation and resistances. It comes equipped with the Ash of War: Parry, but it can be exchanged for another.

You can find the shield as a random drop from the Demi-Humans that roam the land. A good spot for them is east of Sellia Gateway, site of grace.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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