In Elden Ring, you’ll find a wide range of characters that will share their plight with you, most of these will have Quests that span multiple locations. This page will detail where you can find Fia and complete her Questline.
You can meet with Fia in the Roundtable Hold.
First Meeting - Roundtable Hold¶
You’ll be able to have your first encounter with Fia when you set foot in the Roundtable Hold for the first time. You’ll find her in a side room, just beyond Smithing Master Hewg. Once inside, she’ll ask to embrace the Tarnished, doing so will reward you with a Baldachin’s Blessing which, when used, will increase your Poise. You can only hold one of these at a time, but you can return to her for another helping whenever you use your current one.
(1 of 2) Fia will offer to hold the Tarnished
Fia will offer to hold the Tarnished (left), handing over this useful consumable in the process. (right)
You won’t be able to progress Fia for a while after this, you’ll need to reach Altus Plateau before her Quest will update, but don’t neglect it. Fia’s Questline is one of the conditions related to an alternate ending, with a lot of unique content so its well worth players pursuing this Questline to the end.
Second Meeting - Roundtable Hold¶
After Rogier returns to the Roundtable Hold after the events of Stormveil Castle, exhaust his dialogue and then pay Fia a visit to be held once again. This time you’ll be able to ask her something and she will give you more information on Rogier’s conundrum and will hand over a note that details where you can find the Black Knifeprint. Follow Rogier’s Questline until you obtain the Black Knifeprint and then return to Fia to speak to her.
Third Meeting - Roundtable Hold¶
The next step can be tricky to activate, but it seems that you can trigger it by obtaining at least two Great Runes and have used the Grand Lift of Dectus to reach the Altus Plateau. With this done, speak to Fia and ask her to hold you and this time, you’ll be able to speak to her and she will hand over the Weathered Dagger, asking you to find the owner.
(1 of 4) Fia will hand you the Weathered Dagger and you should give this to D
This owner is D, head over to him and hand it to him and he will remark that he knows who it belongs to and requests that you leave it with him. At this point, you’ll need to refresh the Roundtable Hold by resting at the Site of Grace and then when you head towards Smithing Master Hewg, you’ll notice the door at the back is now open.
When you head inside, you’ll spot D on the ground, dead, with Fia standing over him. Once Fia vanishes, you’ll be able to head over to his body to collect his Bell Bearing along with the Twinned Set. Keep hold of this set and be sure that you don’t alter it, it’s required to advance the Quest of D’s Twin Brother.
Fourth Meeting - Deeproot Depths¶
You’ll need to find your way down to the Deeproot Depths for your next meeting with Fia. You can do this by heading through Siofa River and defeating the Valiant Gargoyle & Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade) Boss just beyond the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace. Once they’re defeated, you’ll find a coffin that you can ride in to reach Deeproot Depths.
Once in here, progress through the area until you take the roots up to the north where you reach the Across the Roots Site of Grace. Just beyond here is a large open area and as you head forward, you’ll be thrust into a battle against Fia’s Champions, a simple battle that shouldn’t pose a threat. Once the battle is finished, go over and speak to and have her hug you once again to reveal that she’s looking for the Cursemark of Death. This can be obtained by progressing Ranni’s Quest so go ahead and progress through that until you obtain the Cursemark (if you already have this, you can hand this over right away by resting at the Site of Grace).
(1 of 3) agree to let Fia hold you after defeating her champions to obtain this
Hand over the Cursemark of Death and speak with Fia and she’ll hand over a Radiant Baldachin’s Blessing. Exhaust her dialogue and rest at the Site of Grace to find her resting, speak with her and she’ll let you enter Godwyn’s dream to fight Lichdragon Fortissax, a fearsome battle against a deadly dragon. Emerge victorious and you’ll be able to obtain the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince, this is required for The Age of the Duskborn Ending.
If you’ve advanced D’s Twin Brother’s Quest by handing him the Twinned Set, reload the area by resting at the Site of Grace and you’ll be able to obtain Fia’s Armor Set. Reload once more and you’ll find D’s Twin Brother standing over Fia, reload again and you’ll be able to reacquire the Twinned Set and the Inseparable Sword as a final reward of this Questline.
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