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Elden Ring

All Sorceries and Incantations in Mountaintops of the Giants

Ben Chard
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This page will explain where to find all spell types in the Mountaintops of the Giants region, including Glintstone Sorceries and Incantations.

How Many Spells are there in Mountaintops of the Giants?

Mountaintops of the Giants has a total of seven spells, of which four are Incantations and three Sorceries. Four of these spells can be found out in the field, two are found as boss drops and the final one can be exchanged via a Remembrance following the demise of the region boss.

All Spell, Sorcery and Incantation Locations in Mountaintops of the Giants

Spell Spell Type Location
Zamor Ice Storm Sorcery Found in the Zamor Ruins in Mountaintops of the Giants. Run to the very south of the ruins to find a corpse near a stone archway that contains the sorcery.
Flame, Protect Me Incantation On a corpse inside a sealed room near the beginning of Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave, in front of the Site of Grace. The room requires 2 Stonesword Keys to unlock.
Briars of Punishment Sorcery Can be found at the leftmost dead tree next to three Lesser Fire Monks just before the long stone bridge with the Golem Archer.
Vyke’s Dragonbolt Incantation Received after defeating Vyke, Knight of the roundtable at Lord Contender’s Evergaol
Black Flame Ritual Incantation Spiritcaller’s Cave: Dropped by the Godskin Apostle & Godskin Noble in a consecutive boss encounter.
Founding Rain of Stars Sorcery Inside a chest within Heretical Rise. You have to access the location via an invisible bridge starting from the other side of the ravine, and advance following a white mist that indicates the safe path
Burn, O Flame! Incantation Trade Remembrance of the Fire Giant with Enia at Roundtable Hold.

Sorceries to Find in Mountaintops of the Giants

There are three Sorceries to discover here.

Zamor Ice Storm Sorcery

Thrust staff into ground to create freezing tornado.

You’ll come across this Sorcery early on in the Mountaintops of the Giants region. Once you take the Grand Lift of Rold up, follow the path around to the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace and head southeast, taking care to avoid the deadly Ancient Hero of Zamor enemies that lurk around here. Head to the far south of these ruins here and you’ll spot a corpse, examine it to obtain the Zamor Ice Storm sorcery. Requires 36 Intelligence to use.

Briars of Punishment Sorcery

Wounds caster to unleash trail of bloodthrorns.

As you head northeast from the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace, you’ll start heading down a thin path littered with Fire Monks before a great stone bridge stretches to the northeast. Dispatch the enemies and then head west before you reach the stone bridge to find dead trees, at the one to the far left is a corpse containing the Briars of Punishment Sorcery. Requires 21 Faith to use.

Founding Rain of Stars Sorcery

Releases a downpour of star rain for a while.

This is by far the trickiest spell to locate in the Mountaintops of the Giants, purely due to the fact that you’ll need to locate an invisible bridge. Start at the Freezing Lake Site of Grace and head north and back south to the cliff’s edge where you’ll spot a broken bridge.

If you look carefully, you should see snow hitting the invisible bridge here so head along and then look carefully to your left, you should spot this bridge now change into some spiral stairs, taking you up to the Heretical Rise tower. Defeat the enemies inside and take the lift to the east, you’ll find one more enemy to deal with on the stairs and then at the very top, a Chest is waiting with the Founding Rain of Stars Sorcery. Requires 52 Intelligence to use.

Incantations to Find in Mountaintops of the Giants

There are four Incantations to discover here.

Flame, Protect Me Incantation

Greatly increases fire damage negation.

You’ll need to wait until you discover the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave dungeon before you can gain access to this Incantation. To do so start at the Freezing Lake Site of Grace once more and head southeast, along the cliff’s edge as far as south as you can until you can climb the hill to your west (you’ll have to run far to the south, beyond the dragon here) and you’ll spot a Spiritspring Jump you can use to reach the higher area.

From here, head west and south through Guardians’ Garrison to find a large chain that you can reach to cross to the south. Once here, follow the cliff’s edge to the southwest and you’ll eventually be able to head west and leap across a small gap that leads to the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave. Take the lift down in here and at the Site of Grace, you’ll find a door that requires a Stonesword Key, inside is a corpse holding the Flame, Protect Me Incantation. Requires 24 Faith to use.

Vyke’s Dragonbolt Incantation

Enchants right-hand armament with lightning damage.

You’ll find the Lord Contender’s Evergoal to the east of the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace (you passed by this on the way to the previous Incantation). Inside, you’ll be challenged by Roundtable Knight Vyke, a challenging boss with deadly jump attacks. Once you’re victorious however, you’ll obtain the Vyke’s Dragonbolt Incantation along with the Fingerprint Set. Requires 23 Faith to use.

Black Flame Ritual Incantation

Summons circle of black flame pillars around caster.

Once again, start at the Freezing Lake Site of Grace and head southeast, along the cliff’s edge where you’ll locate a cave leading to the Spiritcaller’s Cave. Once you’ve navigated through the area, you’ll face-off against the Spirit-Caller Snail (Spiritcaller’s Cave) who, once defeated, will drop the Black Flame Ritual Incantation. Requires 42 Faith to use.

Burn, O Flame! Incantation

Raises a series of flame pillars around caster.

The final Incantation in the Mountaintops of the Giants comes from the major story boss of the region, the Fire Giant. To reach the boss arena, you’ll need to head to the southern part of the region, this can be achieved by once again following the path from the Freezing Lake above to reach the large chain where you’ll find the Giant’s Gravepost Site of Grace.

From here, make your way to the far south of this area and you’ll find the Foot of the Forge Site of Grace followed by two different chains that will take you across the chasm. Once you head forward on the other side, you’ll begin the battle against the Fire Giant. As you may expect from the name of this boss, your foe is gargantuan and especially during the second phase, will wield deadly pyro-based spells. Once you defeat the Fire Giant, you’ll obtain the Remembrance of the Fire Giant which you should take to Enia at the Roundtable Hold where you can trade it for the Burn, O Flame! Incantation. Requires 27 Faith to use.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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