This page will guide you through the optional sub-area Auriza Hero’s Grave located inside the Capital Outskirts of the Altus Plateau. We’ll also show you how to destroy the chariots here.
You will find this dungeon to the east of the East Rampart Gate Site of Grace (outside the city).
Where to find Auriza Hero’s Grave in the Capital Outskirts, Elden Ring¶
To access the dungeon where you can find this set, you’ll first need to make your way to the Altus Plateau and head to the southeast of the area to reach the Capital Outskirts sub-region. You’ll want to enter via the northern gate and once in the Outskirts, head southeast until you reach the path leading down to the castle moat. Follow this along to the east and then begin heading southeast once you reach the grass again and you’ll find a lift that will carry you down to the dungeon.
Chariot Hallway - How to Destroy / Kill the Chariots of Death¶
To gain access to the Tree Sentinel Set, you’ll need to destroy the chariots of death by hitting a fire breathing pillar, reached by some platforming on wooden beams. Take the elevator down into the dungeon and activate the Site of Grace here. Now turn west and make your way down the ramp, hiding in one of the corners to your left when the chariot awakens. Move onto the bridge where the first chariot became active and wait here until the second one comes down and then goes back up the second ramp. Follow it up to the west and take cover in a corner to your right as it passes by.
Once the chariot has passed you, continue up the ramp to the west and then head down the ramp to the north from the top, avoiding the chariots as they pass by and the skeleton enemies on either side of the ramp. You’ll soon see a corpse to your left hanging off a ledge. This is where you need to jump down onto the wooden beams. Make your way across the central beam to the north, then jump down at the end of it facing the room to the east. From here, jump down to the next level of beams below you before heading back south towards the skeleton at the end of the beam, then make your way up the ladder.
Once you’re up the ladder, be careful not to run out into the ramp areas ahead. The chariots are still moving here, so you’ll need to wait for it to pass. When the chariot passes you, head up and enter the room to the east, where the fire breathing pillar can be found. Hit it once so that it moves upwards, then return to the site of grace that you first activated here. You can now run down to the bridge area where you waited for the second chariot, then head down the ramp to the north until you see both chariots crash into each other. When both are destroyed you’ll automatically receive the item.
(1 of 4) Wait for the next Chariot to head down and go behind it and up, entering the room to the east
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