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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pokémon Not In Scarlet & Violet

Vincent Lau
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There’s a lot of Pokémon not in Scarlet & Violet right now, which is no surprise given Game Freaks new strategy of keeping the National Dex to Pokémon Home with mainline games becoming a joint effort to “Catch ’Em All!”. Whilst "Charizard" IconCharizard and "Cinderace" IconCinderace 7-Star Tera Raid events allow players to catch Pokémon not technically available yet, it’s a sign of things to come. Looking for a full list of Pokémon not in Scarlet & Violet right now? Let’s get into it:

Pokémon Not In Scarlet & Violet

We’re currently missing some key Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, some of which may not ever come to the games in DLC or Pokémon Home Compatibility. Kantonian trainers from generation one may be extremely dissapointed with the current Paldea Pokédex, with only 48 original Pokémon returning in the vanilla games before Pokémon Home or any DLC come into play. With that being said, 296 Pokémon have returned from previous generations, so it’s a good market share in the grand scheme of things.

There’s also quite a few regional variants of Kanto Pokémon that have cropped up in Paldea alongside close relations of well established generation one Pokémon. Toadscool and Toedscruel are Grass Grass / Ground Ground types that look incredibly similar but with a pasty color pallete and trading in tentacles for thin legs.

Charizard is the ultimate foe!

The Wiglett and Wugtrio evolution line is for all intents and purposes a Water water type variant of Ground Ground types "Diglett" IconDiglett and "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio. The canon description of them states whilst they are related to eachother, they aren’t regional forms and are instead a new Pokémon species. So whilst there’s quite a few Pokémon not in Scarlet and Violet, there’s something to be said about the creativity found in the Paldean Pokédex.

The following Pokémon cannot be found in the wild. The vast majority can only be obtained by transferring from Pokémon HOME.

Some Pokémon can also be obtained in limited numbers via in-game trades or event raids.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
articuno.png "Articuno" IconArticuno Ice Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
mew.png "Mew" IconMew Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
mewtwo.png "Mewtwo" IconMewtwo Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
moltres.png "Moltres" IconMoltres Fire Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zapdos.png "Zapdos" IconZapdos Electric Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
cyndaquil.png "Cyndaquil" IconCyndaquil Fire Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
quagsire.png "Quagsire" IconQuagsire Water Ground Evolves from "Wooper" IconWooper at Level 20. Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
quilava.png "Quilava" IconQuilava Fire Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
typhlosion.png "Typhlosion" IconTyphlosion Fire Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
wooper.png "Wooper" IconWooper Water Ground Trade at Cascarrafa, transfer from Pokémon HOME


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
groudon.png "Groudon" IconGroudon Ground Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
kyogre.png "Kyogre" IconKyogre Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
rayquaza.png "Rayquaza" IconRayquaza Dragon Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
arceus.png "Arceus" IconArceus Normal Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
azelf.png "Azelf" IconAzelf Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
cresselia.png "Cresselia" IconCresselia Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
dialga.png "Dialga" IconDialga Steel Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
giratina.png "Giratina" IconGiratina Ghost Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
giratina_origin.png "Giratina" IconGiratina (Origin) Ghost Dragon Give "Giratina" IconGiratina the "Griseous Core" iconGriseous Core to hold.
heatran.png "Heatran" IconHeatran Fire Steel Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
mesprit.png "Mesprit" IconMesprit Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
palkia.png "Palkia" IconPalkia Water Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
uxie.png "Uxie" IconUxie Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
dewott.png "Dewott" IconDewott Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
landorus.png "Landorus" IconLandorus Ground Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
landorus_incarnate.png "Landorus" IconLandorus (Therian) Ground Flying Use "Reveal Glass" iconReveal Glass on "Landorus" IconLandorus.
meloetta.png "Meloetta" IconMeloetta Normal Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
meloetta_pirouette.png "Meloetta" IconMeloetta (Pirouette) Normal Fighting Use Relic Song during battle.
oshawott.png "Oshawott" IconOshawott Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
samurott.png "Samurott" IconSamurott Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
thundurus.png "Thundurus" IconThundurus Electric Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
thundurus_incarnate.png "Thundurus" IconThundurus (Therian) Electric Flying Use "Reveal Glass" iconReveal Glass on "Thundurus" IconThundurus.
tornadus.png "Tornadus" IconTornadus Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
tornadus_incarnate.png "Tornadus" IconTornadus (Therian) Flying Use "Reveal Glass" iconReveal Glass on "Tornadus" IconTornadus.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
braixen.png "Braixen" IconBraixen Fire Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
carbink.png "Carbink" IconCarbink Rock Fairy Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
chesnaught.png "Chesnaught" IconChesnaught Grass Fighting Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
chespin.png "Chespin" IconChespin Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
delphox.png "Delphox" IconDelphox Fire Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
diancie.png "Diancie" IconDiancie Rock Fairy Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
fennekin.png "Fennekin" IconFennekin Fire Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
froakie.png "Froakie" IconFroakie Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
frogadier.png "Frogadier" IconFrogadier Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
greninja.png "Greninja" IconGreninja Water Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
hoopa.png "Hoopa" IconHoopa Psychic Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
hoopa_unbound.png "Hoopa" IconHoopa (Unbound) Psychic Dark Use "Prison Bottle" iconPrison Bottle on "Hoopa" IconHoopa.
quilladin.png "Quilladin" IconQuilladin Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
volcanion.png "Volcanion" IconVolcanion Fire Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
dartrix.png "Dartrix" IconDartrix Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
decidueye.png "Decidueye" IconDecidueye Grass Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
decidueye_hisuian.png "Decidueye" IconDecidueye (Hisuian) Grass Fighting Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
diglett_alolan.png "Diglett" IconDiglett (Alolan) Ground Steel Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
dugtrio_alolan.png "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio (Alolan) Ground Steel Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
grimer_alolan.png "Grimer" IconGrimer (Alolan) Poison Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
magaerna.png "Magearna" IconMagearna Steel Fairy Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
magaerna_pokeball.png "Magearna" IconMagearna (Poké Ball) Steel Fairy Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
meowth_alolan.png "Meowth" IconMeowth (Alolan) Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
muk_alolan.png "Muk" IconMuk (Alolan) Poison Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
persian_alolan.png "Persian" IconPersian (Alolan) Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
raichu_alolan.png "Raichu" IconRaichu (Alolan) Electric Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
rowlet.png "Rowlet" IconRowlet Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
articuno_galarian.png "Articuno" IconArticuno (Galarian) Psychic Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
calryx_shadowrider.png "Calyrex" IconCalyrex (Shadow Rider) Psychic Ghost Use "Reins of Unity" iconReins of Unity on "Calyrex" IconCalyrex and "Spectrier" IconSpectrier.
calyrex.png "Calyrex" IconCalyrex Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
calyrex_icerider.png "Calyrex" IconCalyrex (Ice Rider) Psychic Ice Use "Reins of Unity" iconReins of Unity on "Calyrex" IconCalyrex and "Glastrier" IconGlastrier.
drizzile.png "Drizzile" IconDrizzile Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
eternatus.png "Eternatus" IconEternatus Poison Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
glastrier.png "Glastrier" IconGlastrier Ice Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
grookey.png "Grookey" IconGrookey Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
inteleon.png "Inteleon" IconInteleon Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
kubfu.png "Kubfu" IconKubfu Fighting Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
moltres_galarian.png "Moltres" IconMoltres (Galarian) Dark Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
perrserker.png "Perrserker" IconPerrserker Steel Evolves from Galarian "Meowth" IconMeowth at Level 28. Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
regidraco.png "Regidrago" IconRegidrago Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
regieleki.png "Regieleki" IconRegieleki Electric Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
rillaboom.png "Rillaboom" IconRillaboom Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
slowbro_galarian.png "Slowbro" IconSlowbro (Galarian) Poison Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
slowking_galarian.png "Slowking" IconSlowking (Galarian) Poison Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
slowpoke_galarian.png "Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke (Galarian) Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
sobble.png "Sobble" IconSobble Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
spectrier.png "Spectrier" IconSpectrier Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
thwackey.png "Thwackey" IconThwackey Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
urshifu_dark.png "Urshifu" IconUrshifu (Single Strike) Fighting Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
urshifu_water.png "Urshifu" IconUrshifu (Rapid Strike) Fighting Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zacian.png "Zacian" IconZacian Fairy Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zacian_crown.png "Zacian" IconZacian (Crown) Fairy Steel Give "Zacian" IconZacian the "Rusted Sword" iconRusted Sword to hold.
zamazenta.png "Zamazenta" IconZamazenta Fighting Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zamazenta_crown.png "Zamazenta" IconZamazenta (Crown) Fighting Steel Give "Zamazenta" IconZamazenta the Rusted Shield to hold.
zapdos_galarian.png "Zapdos" IconZapdos (Galarian) Fighting Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zarude.png "Zarude" IconZarude Dark Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zarude_dada.png "Zarude" IconZarude (Dada) Dark Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.


Icon Pokémon Type Obtain/Location
arcanine_hisuian.png "Arcanine" IconArcanine (Hisuian) Fire Rock Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
avalugg_hisuian.png "Avalugg" IconAvalugg (Hisuian) Ice Rock Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
basculegion.png Basculegion Water Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
basculin_hisuian.png "Basculin" IconBasculin (Hisuian) Water Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
braviary_hisuian.png "Braviary" IconBraviary (Hisuian) Psychic Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
dialga_origin.png "Dialga" IconDialga (Origin) Steel Dragon Give "Dialga" IconDialga the "Adamant Crystal" iconAdamant Crystal to hold.
electrode_hisuian.png "Electrode" IconElectrode (Hisuian) Electric Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
enamorus.png Enamorus Fairy Flying Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
enamorus_incarnate.png Enamorus (Therian) Fairy Flying Use "Reveal Glass" iconReveal Glass on Enamorus.
goodra_hisuian.png "Goodra" IconGoodra (Hisuian) Steel Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
growlithe_hisuian.png "Growlithe" IconGrowlithe (Hisuian) Fire Rock Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
kleavor.png Kleavor Bug Rock Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
lilligant_hisuian.png "Lilligant" IconLilligant (Hisuian) Grass Fighting Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
overqwil.png Overqwil Dark Poison Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
palkia_origin.png "Palkia" IconPalkia (Origin) Water Dragon Give "Palkia" IconPalkia the "Lustrous Globe" iconLustrous Globe to hold.
qwilfish_hisuian.png "Qwilfish" IconQwilfish (Hisuian) Dark Poison Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
samurott_hisuian.png "Samurott" IconSamurott (Hisuian) Water Dark Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
sliggoo_hisuian.png "Sliggoo" IconSliggoo (Hisuian) Steel Dragon Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
sneasel_hisuian.png "Sneasel" IconSneasel (Hisuian) Fighting Poison Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
sneasler.png Sneasler Fighting Poison Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
ursaluna.png Ursaluna Ground Normal Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
voltorb_hisuian.png "Voltorb" IconVoltorb (Hisuian) Electric Grass Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
wyrdeer.png Wyrdeer Normal Psychic Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zoroark_hisuian.png "Zoroark" IconZoroark (Hisuian) Normal Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
zorua_hisuian.png "Zorua" IconZorua (Hisuian) Normal Ghost Transfer from Pokémon HOME.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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