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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Levincia Trade: Haunter

Jessica Dillon
1 Comment

If you want to get some exclusive Pokemon, then there’s no better place to look than in-game trades in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. There are three trade NPCs located across the Paldea region, each that offers you some hard-to-pass-up deals. The second trade NPC you will encounter is located in Levincia, the home of the electric-type gym. Below we go over everything you need to know about how to complete this trade, including where to find "Pincurchin" IconPincurchin.

Trade NPC in Levincia.

Where to Find The Trade NPC in Levincia

You can find the young girl who wants Pinchurchin by entering the city from the south and then proceeding to the circle that connects Levincia’s three halves. She will have a speech bubble that pops up every so often talking about Pincurchin.

Where to find Pincurchin in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

A Pinchrchin located on the small island outside of Levincia.

You can find Pinchurchin at several locations around the map. The easiest way to do this trade is to go to the beach right next to Levincia and catch a Pinchrchin for the trade.. To increase your chances of finding one, head to Every Wich Way and order an "Avocado Sandwich" iconAvocado Sandwich to increase the spawn rate of electric-type Pokemon.

Gengar’s Stats

Pokemon Typing: Ghost/Poison

You will receive a level 25 male Haunter that will immediately evolve into a Gengar, regardless of what level the Pincurchin you traded was. The Gengar will have a brave nature, a ghost Tera Type, and the following moves.

Can You Catch Gengar in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet?

No, you won’t be able to obtain Gengar in the wild. You can however trade with another player to evolve as many Haunters as you want into Gengar’s. Gengar was a Pokemon designed to originally work with Link Cables for the Gameboy, and this feature has been kept throughout the entirety of the series.

If you don’t have access to online play, then this is the perfect way to get a Gengar, especially if you are looking to obtain a strong ghost-type Pokemon early on in the game.

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The nature was diffrent. Playing Violet, The Gengar I got was Lonely nature, unsure which version of gen 9 you was playing. Stats was as follows:

HP - 68 ATK - 46 DEF - 36 S.ATK - 77 S.DEF - 46 SPE - 67 Female Cursed Body Ghost Tera

Not a clue if you can manipulate it's gender or to get the best nature/stats for a Gengar but hey, keep me updated if anyone finds a way. I did try to save and exit the game a fair few times, travel to a diffrent area and back again to see if anything changed.

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The nature was diffrent. Playing Violet, The Gengar I got was Lonely nature, unsure which version of gen 9 you was playing. Stats was as follows:

HP - 68 ATK - 46 DEF - 36 S.ATK - 77 S.DEF - 46 SPE - 67 Female Cursed Body Ghost Tera

Not a clue if you can manipulate it's gender or to get the best nature/stats for a Gengar but hey, keep me updated if anyone finds a way. I did try to save and exit the game a fair few times, travel to a diffrent area and back again to see if anything changed.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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