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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Best Sylveon Tera Raid Build

Ben Chard
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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is out now and Tera Raids are a large part of the online component of the game. There are certain Pokémon that are perfect for Tera Raids and this "Sylveon" IconSylveon build is one of them.

Sylveon is a perfect Pokemon to train for Tera Raid battles.

If you’ve been delving into the world of Tera Raids and have reached the point of taking on the challenging 5 and 6 Star Tera Raids, you may realize just how much more strategy comes into play. More importantly, you may notice that clearing these Offline with the AI is incredibly challenging, to the point of almost impossible. Even Online can be challenging if your teammates choose Pokémon that are not ideal.

Additionally, December 2nd, 2022 saw the start of the Charizard event and players have been busy trying to train the perfect Pokémon for this 7 Star Tera Raid. This Sylveon build tested by the excellent Pokémon community is especially useful for this, but all other Tera Raids too.

How to Catch Sylveon

In past Pokémon games, the "Eevee" IconEevee evolutions can usually be a bit of a pain to find, but thankfully this is much easier in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Due to the existence of Tera Pokémon with fixed spawns, you’ll be able to find a Level 50 Tera Sylveon. Head to North Province (Area Three) and search to the east of Team Star Fairy’s base to locate it.

Alternatively, you can find regular Sylveons just outside Alfornada or by catching an Eevee and evolving into Sylveon through that method (which is by far the most time consuming). If you’re wanting to make use of Sylveon in the "Charizard" IconCharizard event, it’s best to go for the Tera Sylveon as it’ll already start at Level 50+, reducing the amount of levelling you’ll need to do.

Sylveon Build in Tera Raids

Sylveon has two really useful builds available to it, and the build we have covered for the Charizard event makes use of using Moonblast to deal with Charizard’s weaknesses. The purpose of this build, however, is a more general purpose build to be used in 5 and 6 Star Tera Raids but is also very useful for the Charizard event. This build makes use of the "Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice move with a focus on Sp. Atk (vs Atk for Moonblast).

You’ll want your Sylveon to have the following:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Modest HP and Sp. Atk Pixilate "Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice, "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain, "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball, "Fake Tears" iconFake Tears "Metronome" iconMetronome

Once you have your Sylveon, the first thing you’ll want to do is change the nature to Modest, this is done by purchasing a "Modest Mint" iconModest Mint from Chansey Supply and then using it in your inventory. This will grant your Sylveon an increase of Sp. Atk at the expense of Atk.

You’ll want to ensure you Hyper Train your Sylveon, with a focus on HP (for survivability) and Sp. Atk (to make better use of Hyper Voice) along with ideally having Sylveon as high as level as possible (Level 100 being ideal).

You’ll need your Sylveon to have the Pixilate Ability, this turns Normal moves (of which Hyper Voice falls under) into Fairy moves, making this especially useful for the Charizard event. The good news is, Pixilate is Sylveon’s Hidden Ability, the bad news is, it’s a Hidden Ability. This means, to unlock it, you’ll need to get your hands on an Ability Patch and these are only available as a rare reward from 6 Star Tera Raids.

For your Held Item, you’ll want to give Sylveon the "Metronome" iconMetronome, as this will boost the power of a move that you use consecutively, something you’ll be doing a lot with Hyper Voice.

The final part of the build are the moves you’ll be using. Hyper Voice, the main move of this build, can be learnt by using the TM. You can find this TM by heading to South Province Area Six and heading just south of the Leaning Tower of Paldea fast travel while Sylveon will learn "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain naturally at Level 35.

"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball gives your Sylveon something to use against Ghost-type Raids and you can find the TM inside Area Zero, close to Research Station 4. Finally, "Fake Tears" iconFake Tears will lower your target’s Sp. Def and can be found as a TM in South Province Area Two.

Sylveon Tera Raid Strategy

So now that you have your perfect Sylveon trained, how do you put all of this into action in a Tera Raid situation?

You can start a battle by using Misty Terrain to prepare the battlefield, this is especially useful against Charizard. Whether you decide to do this or not, you should settle on using Fake Tears to lower your target’s Sp. Def as low as possible before using Hyper Voice to dish out the damage.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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