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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

All Snacksworth Legendary Pokémon in the Indigo Disk - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Vincent Lau
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In the Indigo Disk DLC for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, you can encounter a wide range of Legendary Pokémon from previous generations. To do so, you’ll need to borrow the help of Snacksworth.

Where is Snacksworth?

(1 of 2) Snacksworth appears after finishing the Indigo Disk story.

Snacksworth appears after finishing the Indigo Disk story. (left), He will give you treats to make Legendary Pokémon appear. (right)

Snacksworth is a fairly unassuming middle-aged man wearing a navy business suit who appears at the entrance of Blueberry Academy, but only after you’ve completed the Indigo Disk story and watched the credits.

Afterwards the game will tell you to visit Briar to wrap things up. During this time, Briar will mention that Snacksworth is waiting at the entrance. Specifically, he’ll be standing to the right of the turnstiles to enter the academy (and the reception desk).

How to Make the Legendary Pokémon Appear

When you speak to Snacksworth after completing 10 Blueberry Quests or 1 group quest, he’ll give you a treat item that’s directly related to a Legendary Pokémon. For example, a "Glastrier Treat" iconGlastrier Treat. In addition, he’ll tell you a long-winded story that contains a hint of where to find the corresponding Pokémon.

(1 of 2) Use the hints to search for the Legendary Pokémon in Paldea.

Use the hints to search for the Legendary Pokémon in Paldea. (left), When you find them, you can battle and catch them! (right)

Your task is to head to the hinted location while carrying the treat, whereupon you’ll find the Legendary Pokémon idling around if it’s the correct place. If you want to hear the hint again, speak to Snacksworth and show him the treat.

Snacksworth will keep a running total of all the Blueberry Quests and group quests you’ve done, so you can keep going back to him to get more treats after every 10 quests or 1 group quest.

Legendary Pokémon Locations

All of the Legendary Pokémon mentioned by Snacksworth can be found somewhere in the Paldea region. To save you time, we’ll provide the exact locations, so you don’t have to wrack your brains trying to decipher the hints.

Map with locations of all the Legendary Pokémon.

After finding a Legendary Pokémon, approach it and interact with the A button to begin the battle.

Pokémon Type Location Map Marker
"Articuno" IconArticuno IceFlying Along the north side of the lake a short distance west from Montenevera on Glaseado Mountain. Map Marker
"Moltres" IconMoltres FireFlying North side of Asado Desert, atop a mountain overlooking Porto Marinada. Map Marker
"Zapdos" IconZapdos ElectricFlying Over the railing at the top of Poco Path Lighthouse, at the far south of Paldea, near the beginning of the game. Map Marker
"Raikou" IconRaikou Electric Highest mountain on West Province (Area One), near where you fought the Titan Bombirdier, at the north side of the mountain lake. Map Marker
"Entei" IconEntei Fire Eastern cape of East Province (Area Three), north-east from Levincia. Map Marker
"Suicune" IconSuicune Water East side of a small island on Casseroya Lake that’s directly west from the central watchtower (fast-travel spot). Map Marker
"Lugia" IconLugia PsychicFlying A small island in the sea, towards the far north-east corner of Paldea, north of North Province (Area One). Map Marker
"Ho-Oh" IconHo-Oh FireFlying Atop the grassy highlands east from Alfornada. Map Marker
"Latias" IconLatias DragonPsychic Sandy shore along the south side of South Province (Area Four). Map Marker
"Latios" IconLatios DragonPsychic Next to a lake along the south side of North Province (Area Two), opposite the Tera "Mimikyu" IconMimikyu. Map Marker
"Kyogre" IconKyogre Water In front of the jagged rocks north from the Gracia Stones at the north-west corner of Casseroya Lake. Map Marker
"Groudon" IconGroudon Ground Inside Alfornada Cavern, along the east side, south of the Tera "Umbreon" IconUmbreon. Map Marker
"Rayquaza" IconRayquaza DragonFlying Atop the mountain range encircling the Great Crater of Paldea, north from South Province (Area Three), overlooking Mesagoza from the north-east. Map Marker
"Cobalion" IconCobalion FightingSteel North Province (Area Two) a short distance south-west from Fury Falls, overlooking the bamboo forest from higher ground. Map Marker
"Terrakion" IconTerrakion FightingRock Atop the small plateau overlooking Team Star’s Dark Crew from the south-east, next to the mountainous edge of the Great Crater of Paldea. Map Marker
"Virizion" IconVirizion FightingGrass North-easternmost tip of Tagtree Thicket, near the Tera Grafaiai. Map Marker
"Reshiram" IconReshiram DragonFire Atop the highlands a short distance south from Zapapico, near the mountain range surrounding the Great Crater of Paldea. Map Marker
"Zekrom" IconZekrom DragonElectric Atop the tall, dusty plateau that’s somewhat south from Artazon. It’s halfway between the small ruins and the south-east corner. Map Marker
"Kyurem" IconKyurem DragonIce Inside Dalizapa Passage, within the cavern somewhat north from the Pokémon Center. Map Marker
"Solgaleo" IconSolgaleo PsychicSteel On the lower roof of the Pokémon League building, north-west from Mesagoza. Map Marker
"Lunala" IconLunala PsychicGhost The far south-west corner of Casseroya Lake, at the edge of a cape overlooking the ocean, north from Porto Marinada. Map Marker
"Necrozma" IconNecrozma Psychic The side of the mountain at Socarrat Trail, a short distance east from the Groundblight Shrine where Ting-Lu was sealed. Map Marker
"Kubfu" IconKubfu Fighting Next to the Fury Falls signpost at the bamboo forest in North Province (Area Two). Map Marker
"Glastrier" IconGlastrier Ice Next to a tree north of some ruins along the south side of Glaseado Mountain, directly south from the Glaseado Gym. Map Marker
"Spectrier" IconSpectrier Ghost Small ruins a short distance west from the Dalizapa Passage Pokémon Center, near the north side of the Great Crater of Paldea. Map Marker
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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