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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Best Slowbro Tera Raid Build

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on the best "Slowbro" IconSlowbro Tera Raid support build in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. You’ll find information on how to find and catch a Slowbro and then how to get all the perfect moves to create the perfect Tera Raid support build!

It’s Slowbro’s time to shine!

Slowbro Cinderace Tera Raid Build

Slowbro is one of the top contenders for going against the 7-Star Black Crystal "Cinderace" IconCinderace Tera Raid coming up on the 30th of December to the end of 1st of January 2023, and then again from midnight on the 13th of January to the end of 15th of January 2023. You can take a closer look at that Slowbro Cinderace Build and see how that plays out.

Unlike the big damage dealers, you’ll want your Slowbro to perform a support role. Rather than doing big damage you’ll want to focus on status effects and tanking damage for your Tera Raid Team! Read on to find out the perfect moves for the task!


How to Catch a Slowbro

If you’ve not already got a Slowbro ready to train, you’ll need to head over to Casseroya Lake and find yourself one hanging about near the islands at the center of the lake.

Alternatively, "Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke evolves into Slowbro at level 37, and these are a lot more common. They can be found in West Province (Area Two) and East Province (Area Two) and near Casseroya Lake.

If you cant find a Slowbro, head out and find a Slowpoke instead!

The Best Slowbro Tera Raid Build

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Psychic Bold HP and Def Oblivious "Psychic" iconPsychic, Yawn / "Iron Defense" iconIron Defense, "Chilling Water" iconChilling Water, Slack off / Heal Pulse "Leftovers" iconLeftovers

The Bold nature is important for raising defense stats and the "Leftovers" iconLeftovers held item will be great for sustain as it gradually restores HP throughout the battle. To obtain Leftovers, you’ll need to purchase it at "Delibird" IconDelibird Presents in Cascarrafa for 20,000 Poké dollars. And to change your Slowbro’s nature, you’ll need it to eat a "Bold Mint" iconBold Mint!

The Psychic tera type is more preferable as you’ll be able to deal extra damage with your "Psychic" iconPsychic attack, however the Water tera type wouldn’t be that bad either!

Slowbro Tera Raid Build Strategy

As you can see, there’s a good mix of status debuffs and healing going on with this build. Psychic is there as a good damage dealing attack as Cinderace will take x2 damage from Psychic moves given its a Fighting tera type. Slowbro learns Psychic at lv 36.

For the other moves, "Chilling Water" iconChilling Water is a great option, and something you should be using early on in the battle because it lowers the target’s Attack by one stage. This will help you and your team survive a bit longer against your opponent’s attacks! Chilling Water can be learned via TM022 - you’re given a copy of this TM by the Cascarrafa Gym Leader Kofu when you defeat him.

Yawn will make your target drowsy, meaning at the end of the next turn the affected Pokémon will fall asleep. Slowbro naturally learns Yawn at lv 9 - if your Slowbro doesn’t currently have that move, you can relearn it! You can only make Cinderace (or any other Tera Pokémon) fall asleep if its Tera Shield is down. Whilst this move is obviously powerful, if you’re skeptical about being able to land a successful Yawn, try swapping it out for "Iron Defense" iconIron Defense, which is just a good old fashioned Defense raising move! "Iron" iconIron Defense is learned via TM104, and a copy of this TM can be found on the North Paldean Coast.

And finally, choose either Slack off or Heal Pulse as your healing move! Slowbro learns both of these moves (Slack off at lv 33 and Heal Pulse at lv 51) naturally, so no need to go out hunting TMs! Slack Off recovers half of your Slowbro’s maximum HP, and Heal Pulse restores up to 50% of a target’s maximum HP. The latter move can be used to heal up your Slowbro or your teammates’ Pokémon. Both are good options and it’s largely up to you which you think would be best based on your team’s build! If you’ve got squishier Pokémon on your team Heal Pulse could be a good solution!

It’s a good idea to get a low-level "Shinx" IconShinx in-play alongside our Slowbro Tera Raid build due to it’s Intimidate ability aand "Helping Hand" iconHelping Hand move. Low-Level Pokémon tend to have a lower re-spawn counter in Tera Raids, and Intimidate lowers an opponents Attack stat by 1 whenever it comes into play. Combining this with Helping Hand to pass over any team stat boosts ensures a shorter Raid and allows trainers to make the most out of a Slowbro Tera Raid build.

This concludes the ultimate Slowbro Tera Raid Build Guide. Goodluck hunting for those Slowbros, leveling them up, acquiring those needed skills and more!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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