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This page offers a guide on the best Pokémon to make a "Mewtwo" IconMewtwo Tera Raid Build with. The event runs from midnight on the 1st of September to the end of 17th of September 2023.

Best Mewtwo Tera Raid Builds

Mewtwo will naturally have a Psychic Psychic typing with a Psychic Psychic Tera Typing. This means players need to use a Mewtwo Tera Raid Build that’s strong against Psychic-types which have a strong resistance to them.

Mewtwo making its debut as a 7-Star Mightiest Mark Tera Raid Pokémon.

Mewtwo is going to have some strong Psychic Psychic type moves and maybe a few surprises. It’s Psychic Psychic tera typing will pack some intense damage as standard, but will do 2x damage towards Fighting Fighting and Poison Poison types. Psychic Psychic and Steel Steel types will stand a much better chance, with Dark Dark types being resistant to Psychic Psychic types all together.

Ultimately players will want to take a Dark Dark type Mewtwo Tera Raid build into battle with a strong moveset to match, but this won’t work. We’re actually going to be giving "Mew" IconMew the Bug Bug Tera typing, more on this in a moment.

Mew Tera Raid Build

(1 of 2) Mew is hands down the best Mewtwo Event Tera Raid build when using Bug Tera-Typing.

Mew is hands down the best Mewtwo Event Tera Raid build when using Bug Tera-Typing. (left), This is the best move set and EV spread for an attacking Mew. (right)

This usually illusive mythical Pokémon is currently available until 18th September, 2023, so make sure to grab the mystery gift code and get yours. It’s Tera Typing is random, with players only allowed one Mew per game save, so chances are it’s Tera Type with need changing to Bug Bug. Don’t worry, we’ve got a guide on how to change Tera Typings, just make sure to have 50 Bug Bug Tera shards before going ahead. Due to the long-standing rivalry between Mew and Mewtwo, Mew will gain a 50% HP boost and a 20% boost to every other stat. This includes Mews that have been IV trained to the max.

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Bug Bug Adamant HP and Attack Synchronize "Leech Life" iconLeech Life/"Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain, Life Dew, "Struggle Bug" iconStruggle Bug, "Swords Dance" iconSwords Dance "Metronome" iconMetronome/"Light Clay" iconLight Clay

After making sure Mew’s Tera Typing is Bug, all of the above moves can be learned by TM bar Life Dew. Our Pokémon Scarlet and Violet database has locations and recipes for every TM to make trainer’s lives easier. Mew’s modest nature gives a nice boost to attack at the expense of attack, which is fine for the best Mewtwo Tera Raid builds.

Mewtwo the Unrivaled cannot be defeating in solo battles, which means trainers will need to form a team with the following "Leech Life" iconLeech Life strategy, created by Austin John Plays and Anubis:

A team needs to consist of three attacking Mews and one healing Mew. Attacking Mews will need to do the following:

  • Turns one to three: Use "Struggle Bug" iconStruggle Bug to reduce Mewtwo’s Special Attack.
  • Turns four to six: Use "Swords Dance" iconSwords Dance to sharply increase Mews Attack Stat.
  • Turns seven onwards: Use Leech Life repeatedly until Mewtwo is defeated.

Healing Mew will need to follow the following strategy:

  • Turn One: Use "Light Screen" iconLight Screen to reduce Special Attack damage for eight turns thanks to "Light Clay" iconLight Clay.
  • Turns Two - Four: Use Life Dew to keep party healed until just before Mewtwos shield breaks.
  • Turns Five: Use "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain to prevent Mewtwo from going to sleep and using "Rest" iconRest.
  • Turn Six onwards: Altenate between Life Dew and Misty Terrain until Mewtwo is defeated.

We all know 7-Star Tera Raid battles don’t go smoothly, so if Mewtwo nullifies it’s own stat changes, all attackers need to use Struggle Bug for two turns to bring it’s Special Attack back down. For team Nullifiers, use Swords Dance for two to three turns then carry on attacking with Leech Life. This strategy is the only known way to defeat Mewtwo The Unrivaled and requires a team with good communication to do this. We would recommend using our own Gamer Guides Discord channel or your friendly neighbourhood Pokémon Discord.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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